AGM Meeting 12/04/2022

In-person: Gavin Smart, Joan Kirk, Mark James, Anne Willmann, Willi Willmann, Nicolas Herren, Saskia Herren, Elizabeth Haylock, Jane Griffith, Mary Batten
Zoom: Maya Spence, Andy Spence, Ann Jocelyn, Susan Triggs

Apologies: Diane, Gillian Reeve, Francis Salt, Carolyn Smart

Meeting Opened: 7:12 pm

The minutes of the last AGM were pre-circulated and accepted as read.

President’s report:

Saskia gave President’s report and concluded with the sentiment that the choir hasn’t been up to as much as we had hoped due to COVID, but we look forward to better things.

Treasurer’s report:

Treasurer’s report was given by Mark, as the report was passed around in person. Income and expenses are down, as expected due to the lack of events. The choir made $120 from It’s Glorious! Membership is down, but we qualified for a resurgence payment – although this is not represented in the report as we received this after the close of the choir’s financial year.

Musical Directors report:

The Musical Director’s report was given by Anne. Thanks to everyone involved and particularly to Carolyn for the rehearsals that we were able to do.

Election of Offices:

Unfortunately, due to commitments in Taupo, Susan Triggs will no longer be able to be the secretary, although she is able to remain on the committee. Gavin volunteered to be the new committee secretary,

As Saskia Herren will be moving to Auckland at some point in the coming year, Nicolas Herren suggested that she remain in her position as president until this occurs, and then he would take up the position himself.

Saskia Herren moved that all officers be the same, save these amendments, approved unanimously. The committee officers look like this:

General Business:

Reviewer: Rocky Rhodes to be maintained as our independent reviewer

Fire wardens: Joan, Mark, Gavin, and Ann Jocelyn will be our Fire regulations wardens for rehearsals at Whittakers Musical Museum.

Memberships: Mark proposed that membership fees this year will be waived and passed with all in favour. Donations are welcome

Return to Singing: The choir will return to singing in person once we have been in Orange level for three weeks, and there has been no spike in cases. When do we sing again, we will be sitting a meter apart, masked, distanced, with vaccine passes and in a well-ventilated space. This means that should we return to singing during the winter months, singers will need to dress warmly as all windows and doors will be open in Whittaker’s. There will be no tea break.

Maya notes that the NZ Choral Federation is selling singing masks. These are $35 and are not required, (any mask is fine) but it is available for choir members to get if they want.

What will we be singing? Anne plans to build a “portfolio” of choir songs so that we can bring back old favourites for the fun of it and have songs we can use and sing again and again. This would also depend on choir feedback – so send Anne your favourite songs you have sung over the years!

Anne will not always be available on Tuesdays, as she will need time off. With this portfolio of songs being built, we can hold singalongs on nights without Anne.

Other Business:

A big thank you to everyone attending, and the committee, especially Saskia, Maya, Mark, Carolyn, and Anne

Meeting Closed 7:54 PM