AGM Minutes 2018
17 April 2018
Maya Spence, Andy Spence, Saskia Herren, Norma Cross, Pam Manktelow, Sophie Zaczek, Frances Salt, Janet Mayes, Mary Batten, Erica Hailstone, Kara Nelson, Jeanne Mellamphy, Gillian Reeve, Eileen Boghurst, Hiromi Stewart, Helga Meyer, Dee Austring, Kayla Mackenzie-Kopp, Liz Watts, Christine Beardon, Nicolas Herren, Trevor Hynes, Peter Forster, Elaine Grimman, Mark James, Philip Symonds, Elke Rosendahl, Ariana Duclos, Shona McIvor, Skate, Joan Kirk, Nika Diblenko
Apologies: Gavin Smart, Carolyn Smart, Susan Triggs, Jane Griffith, Flynn Washington
Meeting opened by Andy Spence at 7:00 pm.
Andy presented the President’s Report:
This has been an interesting year for the choir. It started with the shock announcement by Richard Melville of his resignation as Musical Director after a remarkable and very productive 22 years on the job producing a multitude of shows and concerts over the years. We all accepted with sadness his departure after so many years of faithful service to the choir and wondered what we could do next.
We held an SGM after which Anne Willmann, a very accomplished pianist who had been our practice pianist for years and played in several of our concerts and shows, kindly accepted the role of musical director on a temporary basis. Anne had trained in Germany as a conductor and set to with real verve and energy. During the year she produced two very successful and entertaining concerts at mid year and Christmas which contained a wide variety of musical styles, some entirely new to the choir, and she had no difficulty in keeping the choir engaged and licking us all into shape. Anne also used the breadth of her musical talents to write new parts and words and rearrangements for several pieces, making the most of the choir’s abilities and aptitudes.
The concerts were very well attended by the public and financially successful.
At the end of the year, Anne gracefully gave up this position to get her life back and do some travelling and have family time with Willi. During this time we were very fortunate to have gathered the talents of a young French Canadian woman, Arianne Duclos, into our fold when she played flute for us at our Christmas concert. And, of course, we are now in the throes of putting on a concert which she has been ably directing. It’s fascinating to witness the differing styles of each musical director and the benefits that accrue to the choir in the process. I’d also like to thank Richard very much for filling in for Ariane whilst she was in Canada.
Mark will fill us in on our financial situation later.
We have had quite a few resignations from the committee this year for a variety of personal reasons this year. We are therefore very short of committee members and we are hoping that some new blood will come forward to help this choir continue into the future.
I have now served as president for four years and had a major role in most of our productions for many years past. I am sorry to say I am NOT standing for president again. I don’t feel I’ve done the position much justice this year, as I’ve been involved with many other things and I don’t like doing what I consider to be half a job.
Fortunately, Mark has indicated to me that he is still happy to be our treasurer, and Susan seems to be willing to continue to be our Secretary.
Sadly, Jane Griffith’s ill health has meant that she has resigned from the committee, as has Ben Cobbett and Dee Austring, although she is still happy to work tirelessly in the administrative processes of the choir.
So saying I would like to call for nominations for the position of President.
Dee, Ben, and Jane elect to leave the committee.
Election of Officers:
Andy forwards that Mark continues as Treasurer. All in favour.
Andy forwards that Susan continues as Secretary. All in favour.
Dee nominates Saskia for President, seconded by Nicolas. All in favour.
Andy and Maya Spence volunteer for Vice President. All in favour.
Election of the Committee:
Saskia, Mark, Susan, Andy and Maya are already committee members.
Gavin and Nicolas join the committee.
Ariane is an ex officio committee member as the Musical Director.
A quorum of this committee is four.
There is no Musical Director’s report, as Ariane has not served the post long enough.
Mark presented the Treasurer’s Report:
2017: lost $6,000 on Carmina Burana as the cost of the percussion soloists was not budgeted.
However, we had made $13,064 in 2016, so are still in reasonable shape.
Anne’s concerts made a profit, and the proceeds from the Christmas concert went to the budgeting service.
We are looking forward to a good year.
The subscription fee is proposed to remain at $30. Seconded by Jan Mellamphy, All in favour.
Mark proposes that we keep our auditor as Rocky Rhodes, seconded by Peter. All in favour.
Nicolas asks if we should raise the subscription to cover the cost of a director. It is decided that we should raise fees on a case by case basis.
Christine asks that if the fee should be raised, do we still pay the $30 subscription fee? This is indeed the case.
No other business.
The meeting was closed at 7:23pm by Saskia.