Present: Dee Austring, Christine Bearden, Lyn Kemeys, Hiromi Stewart, Eileen Boghurst, Jeanne Mellamphy, Kara Nelson, Mig Wright, Gillian Reeve, Karen London, Irene Hodson, Judy Oliver, Janet Mayes, Mary Batten, Mailis Herren, Freda Blanchard, Maya Spence, Nassai Herren, Vriska Serkel (aka Saskia Herren), Richard Melville, Marion Knight, Jane Griffith, Rosemary Burns, John Thompson, Mark James, Philip Symonds, Andy Spence, Alex Balfour, Denny Reid, Nicolas Herren, Chris Davie, Ben Cobbett, Eric McMillan, Peter Davie, Kim Dockley, George Blanchard, Peter Forster, Kirsten Kesting, Susan Triggs
Apologies: Ann Jocelyn, Mary Melville, Raewyn Robinson
2013 AGM minutes: Read. Accepted by Andy/Maya, carried.
President’s Report: The 2013 year
The 2013 year was a very full year for the Waiheke Choral Society.
We were off to a flying start in 2013 with our first concert the Mozart masses; these had been held over from the preceding year and were performed on 11th and 12th May at St Peter’s Church.
Our next event was our celebration of Richard Melville’s 20 years as conductor combined with our mid winter Christmas party in June at Onetangi Hall, which was a great night. Richard and Mary Melville were invested as life members of the society.
Of course at this point we sadly lost Millicent McIvor, who had been at choir right up until a fortnight before she passed away on July 16th. We were able to sing at her service which was very colourful with many people sharing happy memories of the many things she was involved in.
In the second concert for the year we sang the Vivaldi (Gloria and Beatus Vir) and Handel (Zadok the Priest), again this was at St Peter’s Church and held on October 19th and 20th.
By this stage we were really getting keen and the Choral Society performed the pantomime Cinderella over three weekends in later November and early December.
All this was a little hectic at that time of year, but those who did take part thoroughly enjoyed it; and Cinderella was well received by the community and we played some good houses.
We finished the year with a Christmas carols concert on Sunday 15th December at St Peter’s with Christmas cake and a cup of tea for all.
Then we had our Christmas party on the last Tuesday before Christmas at Onetangi Hall – phew.
These were all great events; although at some of them I thought the audiences could have been bigger and I would like to see us all work towards some real sell-outs this year.
I’d like to acknowledge everyone who helped during the year; in particular thank Richard for being so patient and being our conductor and Anne for being our practice pianist, both huge roles.
I’d like to thank all of the committee: Maya for all her work with costumes and make-up for the pantomime – this really is a big job; Lyn for helping her; Dee for always being so willing and taking care of the communications and anything else we are stuck on; then a pat on the back for the rest of us: Philip and Andy for directing, Mark for being the treasurer, Kirsten for being the secretary, Nassai and Saskia for having lots of good ideas and Nic for keeping me on track.
And a big thank you to you all for your support and coming every Tuesday.
Next we will have the treasurer’s report.
Susan Triggs
President 2013
Overall we made 2162,-
Concerts broke even
Cinderella earned 3000,-
Subscription income dropped from 1100,- to 800,-
Koha tin earned 200,-
Hall hire was less than before
Social expenses were up from previous year, due to more parties
Treasurer’s report received by Jeanne/Janet. Carried.
Musical Director’s report
Fantastic year!
Pantomime was something a bit different
We need to keep an eye on the money
We should consider a new venue with more seating to make some money
30,-per person, 50,-per family, 10,- children
Philip to continue with collection of fees
Proposed by Andy/Alex. Carried.
Marion thanks Mark for making CD’s. She also reminds everyone to listen to Richard and be quiet, when not singing.
John thanks Richard and Kara for substituting for Ann, when she is away.
Auditors: Harrop and Hargreave. Proposed by Sue/Rosemary. Carried
Musical director: Richard. Carried by acclamation
Chair person: Sue. Proposed by Nick/Rosemary. Carried
Treasurer: Mark. Proposed by George/Nassai. Carried
Secretary: Nick. Proposed by Saskia/Nassai. Carried
Communications negotiator: Dee. Proposed by Sue/Jane. Carried
Committee: Maya, Andy, Lyn, Saskia, Nassai, Mailis, Karen, Philip, (Mig might join in a month)
Permission to co-opt committee members throughout the rest of the year. Proposed by George/Sue. Carried