Sure, any house looks good when the weather is fine. But today, it's chucking it down.
Welcome to our muddy abode. The main entrance is in the corner between the garage and the kitchen. (Note: You may wish to consult the plans here.)
Turn right, and face the kitchen/dining area -- the “public” part of the house.
Turn back around. The door through which you entered is here on your left. Straight ahead is the hallway to the main bedroom and “private” part of the house; and you can see a corner of the courtyard on the right.
Turning farther right, the rest of the courtyard comes into view.
Let's open the doors and catch some of the rainy breeze.
From the yard that faces the sea, this is what the courtyard looks like.
Go back inside (it's raining, fool); follow the hallway and up the stairs to the main bedroom.
A view of the private part of the house from outside. (Note: The window on your left is the library.)
Next installment: Pipes and Wires
Back to the main “Our House” page.
Please send any comments to Mark James at
This page was last updated on 14 October 2003.