Island Historical Society, Inc.
PO Box 206
Ostend 1081
Waiheke Island
New Zealand
(09) 372-2970
December 2011
Greetings from your committee. It has been a rather quiet year with the Museum just “ticking over”.
We manned a water stop in January for the Wharf to Wharf race and by creating a themed display in front of the Museum we earned $250 for our general funds.
The AGM in was held in March. Again, as there was no one else nominated, Jan Vail was elected as president in addition to her role as treasurer. The other members of the committee are Arnie Aretz and Mark James as vice presidents, Anne Anderson is secretary, Judith Phillips is our minutes secretary, Bob Anderson on maintenance and Christine Hoffman. Kara Nelson is our patron.
At the AGM it was proposed and accepted by those present to raise the annual membership subscription to $20 per person. This is to go somewhat towards the increased rent we now have to pay Auckland Council for the site the village is on.
Maintenance at the Historical Village has been ongoing. Goodwin cottage is due to be painted soon as the weather and volunteer labour permits. We have just received a grant of $375 from the New Hope Op Shop to purchase the paint for this. The Police Cell is still on the agenda for a repaint and repairs to the outside. Finding the same type of cladding is posing a problem though. Bob has been busy repairing broken windows from errant golf balls!
The village gardens need regular work to prevent the weeds taking over. If anyone has a few hours to spare, we would welcome your help, if only to come along whenever your time permits to pull out a few weeds.
We have hosted tour groups to the Village and the school children from Green Bay have been back again this year. There have also been visits from three groups of children from Te Huruhi Primary school. The children were very interested in the various displays and were a pleasure to show around.
Again this year we were stretched to open the Museum some days over the winter at weekends as our volunteers were either overseas or indisposed. We do need more help some weekends. If you would be willing to assist once a month we would have a back up for times like this. Please ring the museum on 372 2970 or Jan Vail on 372 3253 if you can help.
A reminder that membership subscriptions of $20 per person are due in January 2012. Thank you in advance for your continued support for the Museum and Historic Village.
The Committee Wishes you a Safe and Happy New Year.
Membership renewal
Please return this form with your cheque for $20.00 per person to:
The Treasurer
Waiheke Island Historical Society Inc
P O Box 206
Waiheke Island 1843
Or, if you prefer by internet banking to:
ASB 12-3011-0960967-00, reference WIHS and quoting your name.
Please check the details below and correct as required:
Phone No:
The Historic Village and Museum is open year-around on Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday,
and public holiday Mondays, 12 – 4 PM, on Onetangi Straight near the Golf Club.