Island Historical Society, Inc.
PO Box 206, Ostend
Waiheke Island 1843
New Zealand
Telephone (09) 372-2970
This is the first Newsletter I have done. Helen Lorimer used to do it but she is no longer on the committee. Our warm thanks for all her efforts
2008 has been a very busy year for us:
Goodwin Cottage was repaired and painted inside & displays were put into place with the laundry being relocated from the main Museum, a kitchen set up, shop, & schoolroom. In the main room the photographic equipment has gone on display as well as the photo gallery being finished.
The Police Cell is now on ground level and has been opened but at the moment shut as a Borer Bomb has been let off. The next project is to strip the blue paint from the inside of the cell and re varnish it.
Unfortunately the Army Hut didn't survive its shift from the car park.
A Medical display has completed the displays in Keane Cottage
We had an Open Day in January combining it with the Wharf-to-Wharf-Race as we were one of the water stops.
It was a good day with the youngsters enjoying making pencil cases on a 100year old hand sewing machine.
There were also old engines, the Farrier, old cars, Gumboot throwing and, of course, Food, glorious Food and (soft) drinks.
The Heritage Garden Project, designed and supervised by Daphne Mitten is underway. The first stage having been a re-vamp of the existing gardens. The Manuka rails were removed from the veranda and the posts as well as all Fences and the Tin Shed were repainted, A group of secondary students have also been involved and have worked beside Keane cottage and behind it. They have been doing it as a School project. Work will continue in due course
Our second Open Day was in September to coincide with Heritage Week and the main feature was the Burying of the Time Capsule that the Gulf News had collected as well as articles that had been printed in the paper. It will be opened in 35 years.
At Labour Weekend Briar Ross was at the Museum which was one of the venues for the Jazz festival she had organised. Despite the weather the concert was well attended as well as bringing extra visitors to the Museum.
Changes under discussion:
Removal of the stand that has been used for the central display in the Wool Shed.. It has been useful in the past and has had various displays, Portable Items, Trophies, China & Glassware, Nautical, A display of Watson memorabilia and at the moment a Beach display. This would free space for more display cabinets. Also under consideration is the best use of the Tin Shed for display purposes.
We will be looking for a new President, as Richard Melville will be stepping down at the next AGM.
We desperately need more people for Museum Duty when required. It is mainly at a weekend and we would do a couple of duties with them so they can learn where things are and what to do. We had real problems during the winter to keep the Museum open with people being away or ill.
Volunteers are required and appreciated for the following events:
Saturday 27th December 2008: Working Bee
17th January, 2009: Open Day We need help with the Wharf-to-Wharf-Race Water Stop and if anyone could do some baking and/or help with the refreshments stalls that would be lovely.
If able to help please let us know. Any help with these events would be greatly appreciated.
This is a reminder that Membership Fees of $15.00 are due in January 2009.
The Committee would like to thank all Members for their support in 2008. A special “Thank you” to all who managed to give assistance with various events.
A Happy Christmas to you all and our Best Wishes for the New Year.
The Historic Village and Museum is open all year-from 12.00 – 16.00 on Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday,
and public holiday Mondays, 12 – 4 PM, on Onetangi Road near the Golf Club.