Newsletter - March 2007
“Preserving the past for the future.”
Happy Easter !
to all past, present, new and prospective members of the Waiheke Historical Society.
Saturday 7th April
traditional fundraising at the Ostend markets.
Easter bonnet competition ----prizes --- adults and children
Easter eggs are all ready on sale and our Easter event at the Ostend markets is being prepared by Christine Hoffman and her helpers as we speak.
Christine is heading our Fundraising sub committee – thank you Christine.
This event is an historic one in itself. The Society launched the Easter fair whilst the Museum was housed at Ostend . The concrete pad upon which the Museum stood, can still be found behind the RSA building. Traditionally, the Historical Society takes over the management of the market for one day every year, at Easter. Stall holders donate their usual fees to the Museum.
We will be having a stall on the day and we would appreciate any donations of goods for sale. The collection point will be the Museum on Onetangi Road . We’ll be pleased to see you and your offerings on Wednesdays, Saturdays or Sundays from 12 noon – 4pm
We require: jumble sale items, baking, crafts, ---anything you think would sell !
Help before or on the day would be wonderful
– please ring Christine – 372 6918
Ø Terri will be there, cooking pizzas, she will donate all profits to the Museum.
Ø Judith and Christine have been coordinating a competition to tie in with the Library and Tanya Batt.
Ø On the day of the Fair at Ostend , there will be an Easter bonnet (hat) competition.
Wear your creation to the Fair
Ø Judging at 11 a.m.
Ø Wear your bonnet to the library (following week – school holiday time – date to be advertised by the Library)
hear Tanya Batt ‘s “Tales of Easter”
story telling session at the Library
- be in to win more prizes.
Waiheke Island Tourism / Waiheke Historical Society Proposal
Any liaison with WIT will not go ahead as originally proposed.
Welcome to new members and thank you to those who let us know what they were interested in and what talents they could share. We are always interested in your ideas and opinions, please continue to converse with us.
Neil Stephenson – Woodside Bay Cottage,Rocky Rhodes , Kathy Richardson, Glen and Ashley Adams,
Jan Palmes, Jane McKendrick, James Mervis, Dr. J Tealby, Tony Hards
Great to have you all “on board”
To all our volunteers,
thank you
without you there wouldn’t be a future!
We need you
25th March 2pm – please bring a plate
It is a time of reassessing, restructuring and rebuilding for the future.
How do you want to see the Museum, as a community asset, grow and develop??
Let us know.
you very much for your kind donations:
Robert Gee and Tony Hards
have donated $50.00 each towards the newsletter production.
See Tony and Terri at the markets
with their portable pizza ovens
Today’s yesterday is history. Present day is history, here and now.
We are always interested in stories and memorabilia – please let us know
Your recollections, photos, artefacts are valuable.
We do need all members to volunteer for Museum duty at least once a year.
We particularly need more help on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 12 noon – 4pm. Please contact us during those hours at the Museum 372 2970
Oneroa Police Cell - thank you Arnie – you are a treasure!
The Community Board has sent us letter this week to say that we have been awarded $1800.00 from discretionary funds to help pay the foundation and renovation costs of the cell. The newspapers published this news long beforehand. Research still goes on as to whether the cell has been sited on ex sheep dipping ground. Ron Stevenson is communicating with Council about this matter. Meantime our new member, “super sleuth” Arnie Aretz has been on the job, (with camera in hand), and has presented documentation which concludes that the cell has not been placed on dangerously poisonous land and we should be able to proceed with laying the foundations soon.
Tetleyite Fossil
Steve and Jill Tetley attended our committee meeting to present a Tetleyite fossil, originally found in Fossil Bay by Steve’s father. Over 40 million years old, the fossil will be on display at the Museum along with a detailed history which includes the story of the discovery, how it got it’s name and all about the 45 other fossils which were discovered in the same vicinity.
We are extremely grateful to Steve and Jill for this donation and wish them well for their new venture in Whakatane. They assured us they will be back to visit, often.
Maintenance Sub Committee – Arnie PH: 372 7536 and John PH: 372 2128
The “lads” and Terri have been on the job lately and cleared all rubbish from beneath and around the buildings- quite a mission! Presently, Arnie is making a cabinet for the Tetleyite fossil. The Woolshed needs leak proofing, signs need re doing, exhibition needs re doing, steps need rebuilding, gardens need revamping, Police Cell needs putting on foundations, the Army Hut needs shifting and these and the display toilet need restoring! A path needs to be constructed to Champion Cottage and windows need replacing due to stray golf balls
- PHEW! – and then there’s Goodwin Cottage ------
(Terri is on the funding trail right now). Any help you can offer – PLEASE contact Arnie or John. Donations of materials, time, skills, contacts eg. builder, electrician, plumber – all needed to quote on work to be done on the Goodwin cottage.
Coming Events
We are looking forward to the AGM and a fresh start, new blood ! – new energies to carry the Museum forward towards long term goals and get busy on shorter term ones like the Easter Markets, and Heritage week in September.
Heritage Week is celebrated throughout NZ –by all Historical groups and Museums, including Libraries. We would like to see Waiheke come alive – historically speaking !!
We are looking for a team of people to help design (come up with ideas), research and organise this event.
Any ideas very much welcomed – eg. a golf day with players in historic dress – retailers in historic dress – a no car day – horses & bikes only – (exceptions ofcourse) – activities the schools could be involved in – the vineyards & the ferry companies – Heritage week displays at the Museum Open Day/week -------PLEASE do let us know any thoughts you may have or speak to Fiona at the Library when you’re there.
AGM nominations
Nominations for committee members must be in writing
- Send form to: Secretary Helen Lorimer POBox 554 Oneroa Waiheke
- Or drop them in to the letterbox at 7 Alison Road Surfdale.
Nominations must be received 7 days prior to the meeting – by 16th March
· We are counting on you to make a concerted membership drive !
§ We have a positive, and merry band of Committee members
committed to preserving the past for the future and helping make the Museum come alive in the community.
Join us now!
See you at the Ostend Easter markets - in your bonnet
- 7th April - judging 11 am
& the AGM- 25th March - 2pm.
AGM Nomination form
I nominate-----------------------------------------------------
Seconded by----------------------------------------------------
Nomination accepted------------------------------------------
( the nominated person’s signature)
AGM Nomination form
I nominate-----------------------------------------------------
Seconded by----------------------------------------------------
Nomination accepted------------------------------------------
( the nominated person’s signature)
AGM Nomination form
I nominate-----------------------------------------------------
Seconded by----------------------------------------------------
Nomination accepted------------------------------------------
( the nominated person’s signature)