Waiheke Island Historical Society
AGM, May 5th, 2013
Meeting commenced at 2 .05p.m.
Apologies Arnie Aretz,Wes Burns, Mayne Thompson , Marlene Gray, Marlene Fabian ( Hoffman),
Present Christine Hoffman, Judith Phillips, Jan Vail, Ann & Bob Anderson, Kara Nelson, Rosemary Burns, Mark James, Jill & Debra Pain, Rosemary Burns, Priscilla Tobin, Sam & Andy Shirley, Mary Batten, Don McKenzie , Anne Kilgour
Meeting opened by Anne Anderson
Minutes of last meeting Proposed by Christine Hoffman and seconded by Rosemary Burns Carried
President's Report. Anne Anderson Welcomed all the members & friends and thanked them for attending the AGM.
The past year has been an interesting one- not least for me as a first time President.
My sincere thanks go to the committee- Jan Vail, Judith Phillips, Christine Hoffman, Mark James, Arnie Aretz & Bob Anderson whose support and hard work have been the mainstay in keeping the Museum going. My thanks also to those who have assisted with 'manning the desk', gardening, archiving etc, without whose help we would find it very difficult if not impossible to manage.
As you will be aware, much of our time and effort in the last few months was spent in researching, preparing and delivering a submission to members of the Local Board and the Commissioner for an ongoing lease on the land we currently occupy. I would like to summarise what we presented as the role and responsibility of the Historical Society and the Waiheke Museum.
In addition to maintaining the visual displays, the Museum also responds to requests and enquiries about Waiheke related events, history, genealogy and transport (particularly maritime) history. A large number of photos are on file and available for reference; copies can be and are often purchased by those interested in tracking back their family history. Of particular importance is the collection of Maori Taonga which inevitably draws attention.
The majority of visitors to the Museum come because they have some connection with the Island through family or business, and about 60-70% of enquiries (direct and indirect) involve family research. Formal class visits from the local schools have been a regular feature, and occasional visits from off-island adult groups add to the mix. Over the past 6 years, nearly 9000 people have visited the Museum- on average 1,500 per year. This total does not take into account the number of requests made (via letter, phone calls or e-mail) for information.
Although the Museum is one of many tourist attractions on the Island, it has a deeper and more important significance in that it encapsulates much of the past that forms the basis of the character of the Island. A growing interest in genealogy has resulted in increased donations of documents, photos and memorabilia of the past by people anxious to ensure that records of events, people and activities (particularly those of early settlers) are not lost to future generations. All items presented to the Museum are donated, but only those that have a direct link to the island and/or its people or history are accepted.
The Museum is maintained and serviced by a small group of volunteer staff. Your 7 member committee meets monthly and is responsible for the management of the Museum, maintaining and enhancing its collection, manning the Museum during opening hours and ensuring ongoing accountability to its members and to the wider Waiheke community. The Waiheke Island Historical Society currently has 55 financial members and 12 life members. Funding is sourced through membership fees, entry donations and very occasionally, grants.
Open three afternoons per week (from 12.00pm to 4.00pm), the Museum attracts people from all walks of life and many overseas visitors. There is no entry charge, but donations are gratefully accepted. Like many organisations the Museum has to cope with rising charges and increased costs e.g. electricity, phone, rates and particularly the rent which shot up from $1.00 p.a. To 500.00 per annum. At some time in the not too distant future we may have to consider actually charging an entry fee rather than relying on donations- as some of our visitors choose not to donate, and, when gently reminded of the conditions of entry, claim to have no money.
We are faced with three critical issues- all of which will need to be resolved if the Museum is to continue successfully, and I would appreciate your thoughts on these matters.
The first is Manpower. Quite simply we have insufficient people to do all that needs to be done. Overseas travel during our winter drastically reduces the pool of available people, and too often we cannot open the Museum because there is no one available to do it. Illness also takes its toll. Without the people to run the Museum, it would have to close. There is an urgent need to expand the pool of volunteers, and your feedback on how best to do this would be appreciated.
The second issue ( and I have already referred to it ) is money. We need to expand our membership and put considerable effort into fund raising. Potential applications to various funding groups were put on hold last year pending the outcome of the lease hearings, and even now, in the absence of any official communication, the final outcome is not certain.
However despite the moratorium on development work ( while the lease hearings were being conducted), some maintenance has been carried out. Thanks to the generosity of the New Hope Shop, Goodwin Cottage has a new coat of paint and the guttering at the back of the Woolshed building has been entirely replaces. Thanks to Arnie and Bob, the disintegrating fascia at the front of the building has been replaced and the Museum sign renewed. There are a number of things on our wish list-- for example-- better paths, tidying up the old police cell , parking area etc, and we will be applying for funding to cover these.
The third issue is space; we have so many artefacts and memorabilia that should be on display but we simply don't have the room to do so. The recent donation of works and notes by well known local musician and composer-- Edwin Carr-- is a case in point. If anyone knows of a good fairy willing to donate an appropriate building please point him/her in our direction.
To conclude: it has been interesting-- albeit frustrating-- year, but the Museum continues to play an important role for Waiheke. We would very much like it to continue. Finally, my thanks to Kara (our patron) and to you the members- for your support and encouragement. It means a great deal. Thank you for your attendance.
Financial Report Jan Vail presented her report as treasurer of the Society for the year to 31 December 2012 to the members of the Waiheke Island Historical Society.
Financially, the Society is in a sound position. Our income from donations and shop sales was lower than the previous year but this was partly offset by the increase in the subscription charge to $20. Expenditure was also lower and after adjustments for non cash expenses, there was a small operating profit of $1,258 for the year.
You will note that no rent has been paid to Auckland Council during the 2012 year. There has been a change of lease policy under the new council from July 2012 whereby the rent has reverted to a peppercorn amount of $1 per annum if demanded. This is what we used to be charged until the rent was increased by Auckland City Council in 2010 to $500 a year plus GST. I dare say that the cost of invoicing and accounting for the rents was more than the income received and so we should be thankful that common sense has prevailed.
We operated a water station for the Wharf to Wharf Fun Run in January and created a display with an agricultural theme outside the Museum. For our efforts we received $250 from the W2W committee to add to our general funds.
We received a grant of $2,000 from the New Hope Op Shop for the replacement of rotting cladding and signage on the main Museum building. Some of the grant has been carried over to the current year and has been used to replace some rusting spouting at the back of the Museum.
As a voluntary Organisation, the Society is dependent on your membership fees and donations from the public to operate the Museum. Your committee thanks you for your ongoing support.
Income | 2012 | 2011 |
$ | $ | |
Subscriptions | 855 | 573 |
Donations | 2,984 | 3,715 |
Sales | 1,494 | 1,983 |
Fund raising | 250 | 430 |
Grants | 2,000 | 375 |
Dividend received | 320 | 320 |
Interest received | 14 | 16 |
------- | ------- | |
7,917 | 7,412 | |
Less Payments | ||
Advertising | 19 | 403 |
Accountancy | 272 | 287 |
Depreciation | 4,186 | 4,409 |
Insurance | 1,840 | 1,547 |
Petty cash & general | 142 | 260 |
Power | 996 | 861 |
Printing & Stationery | 273 | 333 |
Publications/shop | 224 | 580 |
Rent | 0 | 1,136 |
Subscriptions | 40 | 40 |
Telephone | 1,043 | 943 |
Cottages restoration | 357 | 99 |
Project | 342 | 37 |
Display improvements | 0 | 0 |
Security | 432 | 1,092 |
Repairs & Maintenance | 679 | 186 |
------- | ------- | |
10,845 | 12,270 | |
------- | ------- | |
Surplus/- Deficit for year | -2,928 | -4,858 |
------- | ------- | |
Statement of financial Position for the year ended 31 December 2012
Society’s Equity | 2012 | 2011 |
$ | $ | |
Opening balance 1/1/2012 | 107,776 | 112,634 |
Surplus/-Deficit for year | -2,928 | -4,858 |
------- | ------- | |
Closing Balance | 104,848 | 107,776 |
Fixed Assets (as per schedule) | 97,415 | 101,603 |
Current Assets | ||
Cash floats | 80 | 80 |
ASB 00 Cheque Account | 3,094 | 1,579 |
ASB 50 Investment Account | 3,018 | 3,003 |
ASB 04 Heritage Garden Account | 29 | 371 |
Stock on Hand | 1,134 | 1,214 |
------- | ------- | |
7,433 | 6,255 | |
------- | ------- | |
Total Assets | 104,848 | 107,858 |
Less accounts payable | 82 | |
------- | ------- | |
Net Assets | 104,848 | 107,776 |
I certify that this financial statement has been submitted to and approved by the members at a general meeting of the Waiheke Island Historical Society Inc.
The Treasurer moved that the Financial statements are approved. Proposed by Jan Vail and seconded by Judith Phillips
Nominations | President | Anne Anderson |
Vice President | Arnie Aretz & Mark James | |
Treasurer | Jan Vail | |
Secretary | Anne Anderson | |
Minutes Secretary | Judith Philips | |
Committee | Christine Hoffman & Bob Anderson |
All Nominations were accepted and carried.
General Business
It was decided to leave Donations on entry instead of charging a set entry amount.
Kara suggested having raffles for funds.
The quiz night will be repeated later in the year.
A Calendar was also suggested for raising funds.
Will also look at other applications for funds.
We have the lease but it is still under the Memorandum of Understanding.
We can go to the Local Board for specific funding.
There are discresionary forms on the computer for funding four times a year and also funding for repairs.
Guest Speaker Faye Storer.
She spoke about the relationship with Auckland Council through the different Amalgamations and the forming of Community Boards to the New Auckland City and Local Boards and the good relationships with the different parts that make up the council.
Faye was thanked for her talk by the President Anne Anderson
Meeting closed at 4.25 followed by tea
Waiheke Island Historical Society Inc. P. O. Box 206, Ostend 1843, Waiheke Island, New Zealand