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Waiheke Island Historical SocietyP O Box 206, Ostend, Waiheke Island 1843, New Zealand |
The Waiheke Island Lawn Cemetery is located on the south side of Onetangi Road between Ostend and Onetangi, about half a kilometer east of the Rocky Bay turnoff. The cemetery is administered by the Auckland City Council. The council offices on Belgium Street, Ostend, hold the cemetery register and a card index.
This is the second public cemetery on the island. The first, the Pioneer Cemetery in Te Matuku Bay, closed in the late 1930s. During the intervening years after the Pioneer Cemetery closed, and before the Waiheke Island Lawn Cemetery opened in 1948, all burials took place on the mainland. The undertaker had a special leather cover for the coffin to travel on the ferry.
The earliest burial was in October 1948. The original section of the cemetery was declared closed in May 1991, although some burials continued there for people who had purchased family plots. Starting in 1985, burials took place in the “New Section” on land just to the east of the original cemetery.
The burials listed here were recorded and collated in 1992 by Audrey Reece, Mabel Asplin and Beverley Beetlestone, members of the Waiheke Group of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists, for the Waiheke Island Historical Society.
They divided the Cemetery into five areas for transcribing:
The headstones are numbered in rows down from the road. For Area 1 (the New Section), these numbers also correspond to burial plot numbers as listed on the Auckland City Council register, but this is not true for the other areas. The ones with letters refer to a row of headstones along a curved path at the lower end of the New Section.
Abbreviation used: “ILMO” stands for “In Loving Memory Of”.
The following eleven plaques are without numbers, and placed around a curved path at the far end of the main path.
In memory of our dearly loved mother and grandnana Doris Gwynevere
Died 29th Jan 1986 aged 85 yrs
Him we live again"
MOOS – In memory of
Chris 1909 – 1987
Grace 1916 –
“Gone but not forgotten”
Benjamin ROUT 1988
Linda Rose BAILEY
Alan HAYDEN 17-8-1989
In memory of Connard Ignatius GAINSBOROUGH
8-4-1908 –
and his loving wife Eva GAINSBOROUGH
16-5-1908 –
Loved parents and grandparents – R.I.P.
In loving memory of James Barry FLYNN 1952 –
Dearly loved son of Terrence and Margaret
Loved brother
of Ray, Terry, Michael, Joy and Colleen
At Peace
In loving memory
Stuart William ANDERSON
Died 15 March 1991
aged 42 yrs.
Loved husband of Wilma and father of Ken and Graeme.
Christine Ruth JAMES
Born 25-12-1949 Cowra N.S.W. Died 27-4
Christ the morning star, who when the night of this world
is past, brings to his saints the promise of the light of life and
everlasting day.
In loving memory
Jasmin BELL Born 12-10-1991, died 12-10-1991
In loving memory:
Cecil George, Died 8th May 1975 aged
60 yrs
Cecily Hazel, Died 1st Aug 1991 aged 47 yrs
Helen, Died 8th Aug 1990 aged 84 yrs
No plaque
No plaque
Desmond Charles COYLE (wooden cross)
Donald Charles BARKER – died 1st April 1992 (wooden cross)
McNIGHT Evelyn Isobel (Eve) (wooden cross)
No plaque
In Loving Memory of my Husband – Bruce BENZIE
Father of
Terry and Tracey – Died 6th July 1986 aged 33 yrs R.I.P.
George CAMERON Died 28th Feb 1986 aged 84 yrs
Sydney Francis Nelson WAIDE Died 5th Jan 1985 aged 70 yrs
In loving memory of Mac – Isobel Harvey MILLAR
loved wife of the late Alex, died 13th Dec 1985 in her 80th
Sadly missed by all
I L M O Brian Robert PETERSON
Accidentally killed 9th Dec 1985 aged 44
Dearly loved Husband – Father – and Master of
Faithfull Red
Sadly missed
Jane REYNOLDS died 25th Sept 1986 aged 30 yrs
No plaque
No plaque
No plaque
Peter HOEY
Jan Mariana LISZAKA
I L M O Joyce Mary HENRY 1918 – 1990
Beloved wife of Peter
– Cherished mother of Jim, Pamela and Brian
Loved Nana to
all her grandchildren.
Merle Patricia FARQUHAR, 1922 – 1990 Sweet Repose
Born Hungary 2-1-1904, Died Auckland N.Z.
Rest in Peace Uncle
No plaque
I L M O Leola Beverley ARCHER, Died 1987
Joan Ellen BINYON Died 29th August 1986, aged 70 yrs
Owen George CARPENTER Died 20th Oct 1986, aged 71 yrs
No plaque
No plaque
No plaque
Harold William BULL
Mabel Margaret TELFORD [“Fa’mus TANNER” superimposed over name]
Corona Lane SAUNDERS
May Leonora RUBY
ILMO Mavis Paulin EVANS 1898 – 1989 “United with her loved ones”
Henry HEINLEIN Born 30 March 1895 Died 24 July 1987 At Rest
ILMO Verna Blodwen BODEN Born 30 Dec 1923 Died 11 Dec 1986
ILMO Edith Lucy MORGANS 20 Aug 1905 – 27 Oct 1986 At Rest
No plaque
No plaque
No plaque
Laurence Leith RAE (wooden cross)
Joseph YATES (wooden cross)
ILMO Eddy NATHAN Passed away Jan 2nd 1991
Darling husband of
Judy, Loved Father, Brother and Uncle
Love is for ever
ILMO Nellie Jane MARNOCH Passed away 5th May 1990 aged 84 yrs
Memories Forever”
Milton Selwyn SCOTT Died 21-6-24 [sic] aged 62 yrs
[Should the
“Died” be “Born” perhaps?]
ILMO Edward Alan HIGGINS Born 14-4-1903 Died 27-6-1988
husband of Beryl. “So Dearly Loved”
? Two crosses laying on the ground; one reads “Len Wairoa LIGHTWARK”; Amelia Criton WOODWARD D. 29 July 1987
No plaque, maybe for one of above?
Doris May ECCLES Died 29 Oct 1986 aged 72 yrs
No plaque
No plaque
No plaque
No plaque
Born 22nd 1901 [?] Passed away 16th Oct
Beloved wife of Sydney and cherished mother of Sybil and
Loved and not forgotten, R.I.P.
Bute HEWES 5th Jan 1924 – 28th Feb 1991, Journalist R.I.P.
John Robert Thursfield BLAKELOCK
Samuel, 5 and a half years, Free to play ball with Jesus
Lorna BLACK Died aged 77 yrs
ILMO Ruruhura Lucy Morehu SAGAR 1931 –
Beloved wife of Harry SAGAR
Deeply missed by her
children and moko’s, loved by all
“Live for today
for tomorrow may never come”
Mervyn Charles HARDY Died 16th Nov 1986 aged 87 yrs
No plaque
No plaque
No plaque
No plaque
William Patrick DRISCOLL (wooden cross)
Arthur Ernest TONG
1935 – 1990 Vanessa TENGBLAD
[Artistic wooden cross with
lace decorations; baby shoettes hanging from cross. Framed photo
of mother and baby, sadly, badly damaged by weather.]
No plaque
Eric WOOD (wooden cross)
Leanne Helen EDWARDS
Dorothea Ngakata KEETELS 1934 – 1987 Tapapa Auckland
loved wife of Leo, and much loved Mother – Nana of Honey,
Leona and Nisha.
“For they conquer, who believe they can”
Conray Sydney KAY, Died 25 Nov 1986 aged 81 yrs
No plaque
No plaque
No plaque
No plaque
No plaque
Margaret L. AUSTIN 13-5-1991
No plaque
ILMO Rangi Tangiata (Margaret) ASPDEN Passed away 9-1-1990
wife of Colin, loved mother of Michael, Lynette and Murray
Francis George PENNY
Rosemary Louise BETTERTON Died 17 May 1987
DEVON [large wooden block under hedge]
No plaque
No plaque
No plaque
No plaque
Gary SHAW (wooden cross)
For ever in harmony
Desmond Prescott GEORGE Passed away
22-5-1991 aged 82 yrs
and his beloved wife Brenda Rawinia –
passed away 27-6-1985 aged 72 yrs
Sadly missed by Ivan, Brenda
and Rex
Riginald ESKDALE (wooden cross)
Walter George KERR (wooden cross)
Passed away 28 Nov 1988 aged 98 yrs
her dear sister Ruth Marion YATES passed away 25 April 1990 aged 74
Dearly loved wife of Joe
Mona Maria WATKINS Died 23rd Jan 1988
Leslie HARDWICK Died 28-6-1987 aged 38 yrs
Christine Frances HODGETTS Died 19 Jan 1987
No plaque
No plaque
No plaque
ILMO Susan Gail BURDETT Born 24 Sept 1952 Died 24 March 1992
Missed, Lovingly Remembered
Walter Dympna HILLIARD
Mildred Katherine WALLACE
No plaque
John Lewis HARLOWE Died 23 Dec 1988
Loving memories always,
ILMO Helen Doyle MURRAY Died 17 April 1989
and her beloved
husband Alan John MURRAY (MAURIOHOOHA) Died 12th Oct 1990
Together forever
ILMO Royce Jean BULL Died 28th June 1987
Aaron FOSTER 24 Dec 1986
A.D.J. FOSTER 12373
1st NZEF pte. Rifle Brigade
Died 5-4-1987 aged 90 yrs
Joan Emily MURPHY Beautiful wife
Born 30-7-1911 Reborn
This is my beloved! Larry.
Margaret Emily JURD Died 22-9-1985 At Rest
ILMO George William COURTNEY
Dearly loved
husband of Debbie
Died 6-7-1985 aged 63 yrs
ILMO John TURNER Dearly loved husband of Eva
Died 26th Nov 1968,
Sadly missed
ILMO Vere George Died 2nd March 1971 aged 80 yrs
Marjorie died 7th July 1988 aged 91
Dearly beloved Father and
Mother of Les and the late Ivan and Enid
Passed peacefully away
Fredrick Selby BROCKETT born Christchurch NZ
Departed this life
Auckland NZ 27 April 1964 aged 69 yrs
ILMO Eva Gladys BROCKETT Died May 28th 1954 aged 59 yrs
perfect wife and mother.
ILMO Annie, only daughter of George and Christina McBEATH
19 March 1894 Died 6 Aug 1967
In fond Remembrance of Enid Irene TYNDALL
Died 15 Oct 1952 aged
26 yrs, a loving wife and mother.
[Small plaque: “Enid
Irene TYNDALL née ROLFE, a daughter and a pal, so true and
ILMO Victor Robert FARQUAR Died 8 Sept 1970 aged 69 yrs
and his
wife Eunice Nellie Died 5 Aug 1976 aged 71 yrs
At Rest.
--?—McDONALD Died 26th March 1978 (wooden cross)
Ken HOWELL Fell asleep 1967 til the resurrection morn.
Gretna HEAP Died 19 April 1987 aged 77 yrs
68851 Pte. A. F. HOOKS NZ Infantry aged 75 yrs
Died 18-6-1982
2nd NZEF
Sarah McBRINE Died Jan 6th 1951 aged 85 yrs
Devoted Mother,
Faithful wife. True friend.
Passed away Oct 29th 1953 aged 72
yrs “At Rest”
ILMO My Dear Parents Claude and Jessie
1903 – 1989 and 1912 – 1989.
They lived
together in happiness. Now they rest together in Peace.
missed by Barbara and all the family
ILMO Essie Evelyn, Dearly loved wife of Edward John STOKES
3rd Sept 1950 aged 51 yrs
ILMO Mary Pearl GARRETT Jan 9th 1882 – Oct 20th 1951
Thos GARRETT May 23rd 1875 – Oct 17th 1953
At Rest
ILMO My dear husband John Thomas Philip LIGHTBOURNE
who passed
away on Oct 25th 1948 aged 68 yrs
ILMO Arthur Lewis GREENWOOD of Leigh, who died at Ostend Nov 27th 1953 At Rest
ILMO Alfred GRIMSHAW Beloved husband of the late Mary Ann passed away Nov 20th 1953 Abide with me
ILMO Edith, beloved wife of David WIDDUP Died 30th Oct 1954 aged 79 yrs
ILMO Hilda Fredrika Hiebeler LOVEY 6th Sept 1952
Annie Florence HATFIELD Died 26-8-1951 Remembered always by her husband and family RIP
ILMO Helen SADGROVE Loved wife of Alfred Robert, Died 23rd May 1952 in her 76th year A Devoted wife and mother
ILMO Wilfred, Dearly loved husband of Ophir, died 8th July 1960
ILMO Raymond A. C. WRIGHT, Dearly loved husband of Lily
23rd Jan 1964 aged 76 yrs.
Also his wife Lily Died 12th Nov 1966
At Rest
ILMO Ormonde Gladstone TASKER (Tassy) 1899 – 1969
Mary Te
Kiri TASKER (née KITE)
Loved Parents and Grandparents
ILMO Alfred Thomas HEMSLEY Loved father of Alfred William HEMSLEY
Died 29th July 1961
[Small plaque at foot: “Alfred
William HEMSLEY beloved husband of Doreen Born 7th Sept 1907 Died
Nov 11th 1989 aged 82”]
ILMO a Devoted father Joseph DOBLIAS Died June 15 1955 aged 82 yrs Sadly missed
Lilian Frances SMITH Passed away 25th Aug 1960
He giveth his
beloved sleep
ILMO My Dearly Beloved Wife Queenie Maud REVELL
Died 11th April
1964 aged 66 yrs. Abide with me
ILMO Charles Fredrick SNELL, Born 10th June 1877 Toowomba Qld. Passed away Surfdale Waiheke Is. aged 82 yrs
ILMO John ASHCROFT beloved husband of Ethel, died Dec 10th 1963 Sadly Missed
ILMO Ritchie THORNBURY, Dearly loved brother of Mary and Margaret
Died 7th Oct 1962 aged 64 yrs
Absent from the body, present with
the Lord
551295 Sgt. J. BRUNS NZOC Died 1-4-1963 aged 59 yrs
Also his
beloved wife Mary Died 17th June 1988 At Rest
ILMO Lucy beloved wife of the late John Herbert WATSON
Died 27th
March 1958 aged 89 yrs
ILMO Douglas Ross, younger son of Annie and Arthur DAY
Born 5th
Feb 1929 Passed away 3rd March 1949
He giveth beloved sleep
ILMO Gilda Joan DAY
Only daughter of Annie and Arthur DAY
Oct 21st 1922 Died Dec 23 1960
He Giveth Beloved Sleep
ILMO Arthur Martin DAY Loved husband of Gladys
Died 31st May
1968 aged 51 yrs
ILMO Annie, loved wife of Arthur Thomas DAY
Died 17th Nov 1974
Til the Dawn Breaks
In Memory of Arthur Thomas DAY Loved husband of Annie
Died 8th
May 1977
ILMO CO-Sgt-Mjr Roland Ausell POWELL
Queen’s Own Royal West Surry Res.
Born 16th Jan
Killed in action in Salerno, Italy 19th Sept 1943
his Dearly loved wife Frances Ellen Emily
Born 22nd April 1908 –
4th Jan 1991
A Cherished Mother, Grandmother and Great
Grandmother Sadly missed and always loved by her son Richard, his
wife Teupoke and their Children. At Peace
ILMO May Frances ROGERS Born 8th Oct 1882 Died 9th Aug 1955 At Rest
ILMO Annie Rose Marie, Loved wife of George WALKER
Died 25th
Sept 1957 aged 71 yrs Sadly Missed
ILMO May Oliver HAZARD who now lies at peace with her dear husband Died 3rd March 1966
In Fond Remembrance of Reginald Percy HAZARD Loved husband of May
Oliver Died 27th June 1956 aged 77 yrs
A Loved Husband and
ILMO Ellen May HUMPHREY Passed away 3rd May 1960 Aged 65 yrs At Rest
Harold JOHNS Loved husband of Lily Rhona
Died 2nd March 1963 RIP
ILMO Eliza, Loved wife of the late William HODGES
Died 23rd June
1972 aged 89 yrs At Rest
[Plaque underneath: “4292 Trp.
W. H. HODGES 7th Contgt. Died 18-7-1967 aged 87 yrs”]
Evelyn Marran Cross Died 20-3-1967 Beloved wife of Alfred HUCHESON (?) Ev - - d
ILMO Amelia Mary BURTON Beloved sister of Margaret PETERSON In her 70th year A Kind and upright soul Safe in the arms of Jesus – To Memory Ever Dear
ILMO Nellie BURROWS, Wife of George, Mother of Walter
Died 11th
Dec 1960
ILMO Arthur Richard GALVAN, Beloved husband of Kathleen
away 13th March 1967 aged 67 yrs
ILMO Kathleen Irene BECROFT 1901 – 1984 Mother of Peter
Remembrance Arthur GILES Died 20 Jan 1959 aged 71 yrs
ILMO William CAREY of Wairua Died 2nd Sept 1963
Also his wife
Julia Died 39th Sept 1967
He Tohu Aroha Tenei
Kia Ruby Ruma Pakura
I Whanau
25 O Tihema 1899
I Mate 11 O Tihema 1958
He Tino wahine
Rangimarie Ataahua Manaaki Hoia
Arohanui Na O Tamariki
Me Nga
ILMO Charles George HODGES Passed away 9th Sept 1960
At Rest
ILMO Eileen HILL aged 65 yrs and William Henry HILL aged 88 yrs Departed this life together 26 Feb 1958 At Rest
ILMO Estelle Agnes Grace LeROY Born 17-10-1892 Died 14-4-1983
her beloved husband Albert Edward LeROY Born 27-9-1892 Died
He Founded This Cemetery
In Memory of Louisa LEVENS Died 2-7-1959
James Henry LEVENS Died
ILMO Harry Dearly loved husband of Jessie JOHNSON
Passed away 11
March 1949 aged 62 yrs Peace Perfect Peace
Albert Edward HATFIELD died 13-12-1958 Always remembered by his family
ILMO Alice Emily Beloved wife of Fredrick POLLEY
Died 31st Oct
1949 aged 71 yrs
479 Tpr. W. R. REYNOLDS Australian Imperial Forces
ILMO Mary Annie CARTER Who departed this life 4th Aug 1950 aged 67 yrs
ILMO Albert Frank BILLINGTON died 30-4-1973 aged 87 yrs
also his
wife Violet Died 20-2-1970 aged 83 yrs At Rest
ILMO Naomi Caroline DOUGLAS, Dear Mother of Leoni, Nan of Delys and
Great Grandma of Stuart Born 7-5-1900 Died 5-12-1980
The Lord Is
My Shepherd
ILMO Selina Loved wife of Alex SANGSTER and mother of Bill and Jim, Passed away Nov 19th 1950 aged 71 yrs
In Everlasting memory of our dear sister Margery Eden BREEN Died 26th July 1969 aged 56 yrs Reunited with her beloved son David LAWRENCE
In Everlasting Memory of my dear son David William LAWRENCE Died 15th May 1957 aged 12 yrs Safe in the arms of Jesus
ILMO Crosbie Ormsby FITZMAURICE Died 6th May 1971 aged 65 yrs At Rest
ILMO Edgar Horace NEILL Died 9th March 1951 aged 77 yrs
ILMO Alexander MacPHERSON Born Isle of Skye Scotland 1886 Died Waiheke Is NZ 1968
ILMO Albert Henry HAWK Beloved husband of Sybil and Beloved Father of Mark KENNEDY Died 17th July 1960
ILMO Gwen PHILLIPS Loving wife of Wilf Fell asleep Oct 1979
ILMO Reginald William RAYNER, Husband, Father, Friend.
23-7-1979 aged 70 yrs
“I shared Creation, Kings do no
ILMO Mary Frances KENNEDY Dearly loved wife of John, Loved mother of Margaret 20th March 1981 aged 65 yrs
ILMO Emily BOOTH Died 30th June 1979 aged 80 yrs
also of Charles
Henry BOOTH Died 26th Feb 1988 aged 89 yrs
Late of Enclosure Bay
ILMO Kathleen Josephine DAVIES Beloved wife of Thomas Montgomery
DAVIES Passed away 17th Sept 1972 aged 76
Resting Peacefully
ILMO Hector Cunnington HARDAKER Loved husband of Violet Evelyn Died 24th April 1969 aged 75 yrs
ILMO Ellen Blanch HOYES (BELL) Beloved mother of Kenneth BELL
asleep April 11th 1950 aged 73 yrs “At Rest”
ILMO Jane BOWDEN Beloved mother of Ronald WILSON
Born 2nd May
1866 Died 13th Sept 1955 “At Rest”
Charlotte Maud HERBERD Died 20th Oct 1949
Remembered with love
by her family
Jessie JOHNSON Loved wife of Henry
Our little mother Peacefully
asleep 16th July 1969
Aimee Sophie LAMMAS Loved wife of J. A. Y. LAMMAS and mother of
Manson, Ian, Dawn and Frank. 18th Aug 1952 aged 64 yrs
said I, ‘Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written
of me) To do thy will O God’.”
William MACK ILMO a dear husband and father who passed away 24th
May 1959 At Rest.
Annie McIntosh MACK ILMO my dear mother who
passed away 14th June 1966 At Rest
ILMO Eva McDOWALL Loved wife of the late Alexander McDOWALL Loving mother of Derby, Died 18th Dec 1970
13/2907 GNR A. R. SADGROVE Field Artillery Died 18-10-1971 aged 85 yrs 1st NZEF
ILMO James Mackie SMITH Beloved husband of Maude Edith passed away Feb 7th 1952 aged 82 yrs
To the memory of Dad. God Bless Lars MARIUS (Martin ANDERSEN) Died Jan 14th 1957 Bill and Alice ANDERSEN
ILMO Maude Rebecca CROLL Loved wife of David Henry and mother of Lorna & Margaret. Born 10-4-1882 Died 9-1-1971
In Memory of our dear friend James MEADE Died 13 July 1956 aged 85 yrs
ILMO Thomas Spence SHARP Died 15 May 1962 aged 74 yrs
and his
wife Florence Died 25th Sept 1970 aged 90 yrs At Rest
ILMO Joy Beatrice, beloved wife of Charles (Lal) SMITH passed away 8th March 1967 aged 51 yrs Peacefully Sleeping
62677 Cpl. J. M. NGAPO MM 28th Maori Btn. Died 24-11-1979 aged 59 yrs 2nd NZEF
ILMO Arthur LOCKE Beloved husband of Marjorie and loving father of
Alison, Gillian and Ian Died 31st Jan 1980 aged 73 yrs
[sic] missed.
Leslie James SMITH Died Feb 11th 1982 (wooden cross)
ILMO Thomas Montgomery DAVIES Beloved husband of Kathleen Josephine
passed away 20th Dec 1965 aged 73 yrs
Resting Peacefully
Florence Emmaline MARTYN Died 9th July 1980 aged 95 yrs
Beloved Mother So Sadly Missed
Cherished Memories of Rachael Ann BIGHAM passed away 15th Nov 1980
aged 9 yrs
Peacefully Sleeping, Beloved daughter of Tony and
In Memory of Douglas Ross BROOKIE husband of Phyllis who died 19th Jan 1980 in his 78th year Dearly Loved
ILMO Agnes Beloved wife of James BROOKS Died 11th Feb 1960 aged 66 yrs
ILMO Charles James McHARDY Died 7th April 1958 aged 72 yrs
ILMO Our dear husband and father William George BROWN passed away Feb 7th 1951 aged 45 yrs ‘Treasured Memories’
ILMO Matilda Harriet MERRY Died 22nd Jan 1952 aged 79 yrs
Ina Sinclair COOLEY Loved wife of H. G. (Tim) COOLEY died 28th March 1972 At Rest
ILMO Sarah Anne GRIFFITHS Born Nov 16th 1869 Died July 6th 1963 At Rest
Thy Will Be Done
ILMO Our Parents, Winifred Grace Died 11th July
Alexander Baker Died 9th Nov 1978
ILMO Sister G. H. TRIBE Died 15th March 1978 aged 88 yrs
Cared For Others
ILMO Elsie BLACK Born 15-7-1898 Died 16-8-1977
‘At Rest In
Her Island Home’
ILMO Thomas Vincent KENDALL Died 12th Aug 1977 aged 68 yrs
ILMO Hollis Miro Blanchard CHAPPLE Dearly loved husband of Enid
Lilac Born 2-6-1894 Died 26-7-1977 aged 83 yrs
Sadly Missed By
His Loving Family
In memory of our Parents
Evelyn Margaret LENNON Died 23 July
Victor Charles LENNON Died 20th Aug 1983
Softly the
leaves of memory fall, Always remembered with love by Susan, David
and Judy.
Mary Ellen Elizabeth WATT Born 10-6-1881 Died 9-9-1974
mother of Irene McNABB
Florence Beatrice MARTIN Born 22/11/1898 Died 12/6/1979 Aged 80 yrs
ILMO Nellie Garnet FRASER Died 24th Dec 1977 aged 69 yrs and Neil Gerrard FRASER Died 13th Aug 1978 aged 63 yrs RIP
ILMO My Father William George PATTERSON Born 1880 Died 1975
Marion Gordon BAIRD (Tui) Beloved wife of William BAIRD Died 11th Jan 1974
ILMO Katherine Ann (Kathy) Dearly loved eldest daughter of Ken and
Dawn MURPHY Accidentally killed 20th May 1973 aged 20 yrs
ILMO Alf GRIMMER Nov 12th 1972
ILMO Eva LANE Loving mother of Pearl and Noel passed away 10th July 1964
ILMO Thomas Wilfred DAVIES Beloved husband of Rona, passed away 18th Aug 1980 aged 63 yrs Resting Peacefully
ILMO Mervyn LEONARD Dearly loved son of Irene and the late Charles
and loving brother of Ronald.
Died 18th March 1982 aged 40 yrs
At Rest
ILMO Charles Henry LEONARD dearly loved husband of Irene and loving father of Mervyn and Ronald Died 29th Aug 1980 At Rest
ILMO Grace Mildred HUNT loved wife of Sydney and loved mother of Hardy, Tasma, Nell, Wyn. Died 27th Feb 1981 aged 80 yrs
ILMO Anne Helen OGILVIE died 2nd Aug 1979 Mother of Annette and John Forever remembered
ILMO Jane Ann Smith ARMSTRONG Died 1st June 1984 aged 87
Jessie MILNE died 1st April 1983 aged 84 yrs At Rest
ILMO Alice Christina (Elsie) Darling wife of L. Harry W. ALLKINS died 145h Oct 1954 In her 78th year
M. P. PAVELKA 435345 2nd NZEF Pte. NZ Inf. Died 11-6-1986 Beloved
husband of Enid who passed away 4-5-88 aged 79 yrs
So Dearly
loved Together again
ILMO E. V. M. (Nina) McKENZIE Died 9th July 1971 aged 77 yrs
2/1593 Sgt. W. J. McMILLAN MM Wellington Regt. Died 1-10-1959 aged 72 yrs
Samuel WARK Died 27th Sept 1973
ILMO John Golding HOWARTH Died 11-6-1988 aged 92 yrs Rest In Peace
A Beloved wife and mother Doris Isabella SMITH
Sleeping peacefully 8-2-77
We do part from those we love –
No distance can divide – For every day in memory – We
still walk side by side
ILMO Nellie Pearl HARRISON Dearly loved wife of Ted died 29th Jan 1977 At Peace
1041463 – L.A.C. C H GORVIN R.A.F. Died 7-11-1970
ILMO Fredrick KEDDIE Born 24 March 1927 Died 24 Oct 1975 Forever in our Hearts
ILMO Ivan LITTEN died 16th May 1952 RIP
ILMO Hugh SCALLY loved husband of Evelyn SCALLY Born 1882 – died 1956 Rest in Peace
Ada Grace CHAPMAN Died 10th Sept 1967
Sacred to the memory of Laurence Aloysius ARCHER
Born 21st
April 1896 Died in the love of God 28th April 1973
May he rest
in peace
Imelda Margaret PAYNE (Peg) Born 18th Nov 1922 passed away 8th May
1991 Wife of Jack, sister of Desmond P ALLEN Loved mother of John,
Carole, Patrick, Grant
A Special Nana to the Grandchildren
ILMO Bridget ROBERTS beloved wife of Cecil John and Loving mother
of Cecil, Paul, Maureen and Ann
Born 23rd Nov 1905 Died 13th Oct
Both resting in Peace
ILMO Cecil John ROBERTS beloved
husband of Bridget and loving father of Cecil, Paul, Maureen and
Born 31st Aug 1905 Died 30th March 1967 Requescat in Pace
ILMO My Dear wife Hannah Jane BORIC who passed
away 23rd June 1962 aged 54 yrs
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall
not want RIP
ILMO Catherine Maria CANTLON Died 12 Jan 1957 RIP
ILMO Our dear mother Johanna Catherine WALKER died 28th May 1971 aged 77 yrs
Manfred Mewburn WALKER beloved son of Josie and Phipps Died 6th Oct
1956 aged 30 yrs One of Natures Gentlemen. At Rest.
I am the
resurrection and the life whosoever believeth in me shall never
Alice Josephine DOHERTY Loved wife of the late Kevin DOHERTY, Mother of Paul, Maureen, Josephine and Kevin died 1st Nov 1978 aged 61 yrs May she rest in peace
ILMO Maxwell Joseph BUTEL 1910-1980 Dearly loved husband of Veronica Loved father of Kate, Dave, Maree, Joy and Carol. RIP
ILMO Joseph Beloved husband of Jessie
Died 17 June 1962 – aged 59 yrs
The Lord is me [sic!]
Shepherd RIP
ILMO Amelia MORAN died 14th April 1960 RIP
5457720 Gnr. W. COOPER NZ Military Forces died 2-7-1974 aged 66 yrs 1939-45 War
ILMO John Joseph MORAN died 23rd Nov 1957 RIP
ILMO Waveny May Ellen THORBURN died 28th Sept 1982 aged 59 yrs RIP
ILMO Shane Peter DYMOND beloved son of Lynette and Tony Died 16th July 1983 aged 18 yrs
ILMO Kathleen GALVIN Dearly beloved wife of the late Arthur Richard Loved mother of Dick and Earleen and a treasured Nana, passed away 7th Oct 1982 Forever Remembered
Phillip (Pally) HOOKS born 1903 – died 1985 aged 82 yrs
and remembered always Ray, Rae, Brown and Family
ILMO Pearson WAGG Beloved husband of Eileen Died 9th July 1981 aged 81 yrs
ILMO Mildred TURNER Died 13th Aug 1985 aged 89 yrs RIP
ILMO Herbert WEBBER Dearly loved husband of Frances Mary Died 22-12-63 Also his beloved wife Frances Mary Died 20-6-1981 RIP
ILMO Matija GRADISKA 29 Jan 1888 – 25 Sept 1951 At rest
ILMO Davina Anne Maria BOLTON Died 14th July 1951 (sic)
result of an accident aged 19 yrs (See Note at bottom)
Loved daughter of Joan and Dave BOLTON Beloved sister of Madeline,
Patricia and Angela Eternal Rest Grant Her O Lord.
(Note: The
family is known to the transcribers, and the date should read 14
July 1971. A mistake on the headstone has never been rectified.)
ILMO Bernadine Clair Joseph BURTON beloved wife of John Born 23rd April 1905 Died 4th May 1990 aged 85 yrs RIP
ILMO John Richard BURTON beloved husband of Bernadine Loving father of James, Margaret and Bernadine Died 12th July 1978 RIP
ILMO Michael Ian TODD Darling son of Tricia, Stepson of Brian,
beloved Grandson of Joan and David
Accidentally Drowned 11th May
1979 aged 7 yrs
ILMO Patricia Ann DOUGLAS, Darling wife of Brian
Drowned 11th May 1979
To live in the hearts of the ones we love
is not to die.
RIP Edmund NELSON Died Feb 7th 1952 Sadly Missed
Walter Edwin DOWNS
ILMO My dear husband John Thomas BORWICK A loved husband and father Passed away 24th Jan 1975 aged 48 yrs
ILMO Norah Hay SAUNDERSON Died 24th March 1973
Also Ernest
SANDERSON Died 4th May 1977
Sacred to the memory of Phipps WALKER Dearly loved husband of Josie Died 21st April 1967 In his 80th year. Virtue Quiets RIP
Creslaw RUSIN Born 2nd March 1902 Died 24th May 1982
remembered by the BOGUSZ family – Rest in Peace
Kevin DOHERTY Loved husband of Josephine, Father of Paul, Marueen, Josephine and Kevin Died 15th Aug 1977 May he rest in Peace
ILMO Eileen Cecelia PARTRIDGE Dearly loved wife of Trevor and devoted mother of Michael, Colleen and Kerry-John Died 25th Nov 1976
ILMO Clarice Susanna SMITH loved wife of Leslie
Died 30th April
1976 aged 60 yrs
ILMO Rose Hannah beloved wife of William COOPER Passed away 18th Oct 1972
Sacred to the memory of Phil dearly loved husband of Olive O’BRIEN and loved father of Michael and Gloria Ann died 24th Oct 19631 [sic] aged 59 yrs
ILMO Ruth Agnes HANSEN 5 May 1900 – 21 July 1984 Loved wife of the late Henry Christian HANSEN 6 April 1892 – 19 April 1968 RIP
Millicent Clare ALEXANDER Died 16 March 1984 aged 81 yrs
ILMO Constance Winifred BASEBE Died 8-12-91
ILMO Walter SMITH Loved husband of Olive Born 4-8-1903 Died 17-10-1983 aged 80 yrs – Also his beloved wife Olive Elaine Born 30-1-1895 Died 13-12-1983 aged 88 yrs Mother of Enid Lilac THURLOW – Loved by all
Theodore PACHOULD died 22 Oct 1985 aged 82 yrs
ILMO Ronald Wilfred WILSON beloved husband of Triss Born 23-8-1906 Died 1-10-1983 Sadly missed
ILMO Earl VARLEY Died 31st Aug 1957 and his wife Morry Mary Monica VARLEY Died 4th July 1958 RIP
ILMO Lily wife of Harry MELLOR Died 8th May 1974 aged 72 yrs A loving and devoted wife. Harry MELLOR died 11th Nov 1989 aged 88 yrs At Rest
4215075 ACI G. G. LIGHTBOURNE RNZAF Died 5-6-1982 aged 74 yrs 1939-45 War.
Isita Marian LIGHTBOURNE 22-11-1912 –
21-9-1992 aged 79 yrs Loved wife of Gerald Gordon
Mother of Derek, Clive, Warwick and Phillip
sure did your best Mum”
Alfred Roderick ALISON 1883 – 1972 beloved husband of Annie Fannie ALISON, son of Alex and Annie ALISON
ILMO Anna Fanny, beloved wife of A. R. (Fred) ALISON Died 5th June 1971 At Rest, A loving and devoted wife
In Memory of Walter John BLACKLOCK Gallipoli Veteran AIF who died 22nd July 1980 and his wife Sylvia, who passed away 11th March 1988 Together Again RIP
849625 Sgt. A. J. MARJORAM Royal Artillery died 16-7-1980 aged 63 yrs 1939-45 War
ILMO Stan LETICA beloved husband of Frances Born 10th March 1901 Died 15th Feb 1966 POCIUA U MIRU
ILMO Irene Lillian GRIFFITHS Died 7th May 1986 and her husband Cyril James GRIFFITHS Died 18th April 1987 Both in their 84th year.
BRIDGER-WHAREPAPA, ILMO Karen Maria Dorne Born Oct 15 1955 passed away Feb 18 1984 as result of an accident Aged 28 yrs Beloved wife of Selwyn, Treasured mother of Lee, Ian and Selwyn Jnr. Forever in our hearts At Rest With The Lord
ILMO Joseph O’DONOVAN Died 12th Sept 1966 aged 67 yrs also his beloved wife Josephine Died 19th June 1977 aged 76 yrs RIP
Mary Isabella TINDAL born 4th Nov 1884 Died 27th Aug 1986 Strong to the last
ILMO Our dear sister Edna Ivy MANSFIELD passed away 15th June 1985 Always Remembered
ILMO Adelaide Christina HEALY Died 3-10-1986 aged 75 yrs RIP
Alfred. Donald STRACHAN Died 14th Oct 1984 aged 75 yrs
Jeffrey Brett McDONALD 28-8-1953 – 20-1-1984 At Peace
ILMO Aimee Winifred Grace CONNELL Dearly loved wife of Robert and wonderful mother to Mary-Anne and Marjorie Died 24th July 1982 The Lord is my Shepherd
R. M. CONNELL 27945 1914-1918 Sgt. The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers Died 11-9-1986 aged 90 yrs
Damon Francis DRUMM Born 11 Dec 1962 Died 24 Jan 1982
Andrew Ramsay CARNIE died 20 Sept 1982 (Wooden Cross)
ILMO Jean MURRAY Died 12 Aug 1985 aged 71 yrs
RAWLINSON. In Remembrance of Elsie Violetta aged 89 yrs Died 1983
also Charles Valentine aged 39 yrs Died 1940
Guide me, O Thou
Great Redeemer
ILMO Florence Amelia SMITH Born 27th April 1890 Died 26th Aug 1976
ILMO Henry Trace DAY. Husband of Wilma and father of Wilma-Barbara and Julia Died 10th July 1976 aged 68 yrs
ILMO Gladys HARGRAVES Loved wife of Elwyn. Passed away 12th July 1968 aged 67 yrs At Rest
J. C. SHIMMIN S/1545 1939-45 Capt. RASC Died 11-11-1973 aged 62 yrs. Betty M SHIMMIN died 29-12-1985
ILMO Peter CURRAN Died 8th June 1986 aged 51 yrs
A Dearly Loved
Father and Friend, Rest Peacefully
Charles Sydney STANTON died 20th July 1987 Beloved husband of Eileen
ILMO Margaret Mary JOYNT Died 24th Feb 1985 aged 78 yrs Beloved by all
ILMO Jeffrey Carl Morgan CASEY. Dearly loved father Died 12th Oct 1982 aged 74 At Rest
30246 Sigmn. G. J. MURRAY NZ Corps of Signals Died 11-4-1980 2nd NZEF
ILMO Harold William ROSSER. Dearly loved husband of Jean and loved Dad of Yvonne and Dianne Died 13th Oct 1982 aged 75 yrs
ILMO Ethel Maud (Peg) WOOD Born Normanton 30-4-1904 Died 30-11-1984 Beloved wife of Ralph, Mother of Michael and Nigel, sister of Jeannie and Bill PAGE
ILMO Sylvia Frances ROBERTSON Died 3rd June 1981
aged 69
Leonard ROBERTSON Died 4th Jan 1985 aged 94 yrs
parents of Mary and son-in-law Michael
Loved Grandparents of
Vanessa and Leo
Of your charity pray for the repose of the Soul of Alfred Norman CARNE Died 2nd Dec 1985 Dearly loved husband of Ethel RIP
ILMO Maisie Josephine PERKINS Born 31st Jan 1927 Died 6th Dec 1982 Rest In Peace
In Memory of Leone Ray RYMAN (nee WILLIAMS) “Johnny”
Loving Companion – Mother – Nana and Friend
Gisborne 8-9-1913 Died Auckland 21-3-1991
MELDRUM, James William Died 25th June 1985 aged 75 yrs Dearly loved
husband of Lilith Madaline
ILMO Alisha SWANSON Died 28th May 1984 aged 8 yrs Dearly loved daughter of Lyn and Tony, Loved sister of Mark
ILMO Lynette Ann SWANSON Died 12th May 1985 aged 31 yrs dearly loved daughter of Edna and Reg. Loved mother of Alisha and Mark
T. R. RUST 152327 1939-45 Flt Lieut RAF Died 16-12-1983 aged 63 yrs
ILMO John Fredrick BURSON Died 22nd Aug 1985 aged 52 yrs Dearly loved husband of Mere Charlotte. Arohanui
Stanley Henry WINEERA aged 66 yrs Died 15th June 1983
Im Mem. of Fredrick (Ben) ROCKEL 26 Dec 1918 – 13 May 1985 Beloved friend of Lyal Richard KNUCKEY At Rest
ILMO George William McLACHLAN Beloved husband of Margaret Died 23rd Feb 1983 aged 72 yrs
ILMO Tony GOJAK Dear husband of Silvestra Died 12th Oct 1984 aged 81 yrs POCIVAO – U – MIRU
Rex Bertram WINTHROP died 28th July 1983 aged 68 yrs loved husband
of Maureen and stepfather of Sandra
In Memory of the lovely
In Sweet Remembrance of Mary Angela BYRON-WOOD who passed on 19th Feb 1983 aged 62 yrs Dearly loved
BACKHOUSE ILMO Richard Brown Died 12th June 1983 aged 72 yrs and his wife Winifred Annie Died 7th Sept 1983 aged 62 yrs Parents of Ann and Rick – Grandparents of Angela and Sandra – Sadly Missed
ILMO Emma Jane WELCH Dearly loved wife of Tom died 17th Oct 1984 aged 68 yrs Sadly Missed
ILMO Walter Edward EDWARDS Beloved husband of Eileen Died 18th April 1977
ILMO Beatrice Rose JONES Beloved wife of Daniel JONES Died Jan 21st 1965. Daniel JONES Born July 13 1905 died Nov 25th 1974 God be with you
ILMO James Allen PHILLIPS Dearly loved father of Garry and Suzanne passed away 6th July 1970 Rest In Peace
Deon YOUNG Died 21st Aug 1985 aged 15 yrs
ILMO John Alexander CAMPBELL Dearly loved husband and father Died 17th May 1964 “MIZPAH”
ILMO Nora GREGORY died 26th Jan 1985 aged 89 yrs dearly loved wife of Albert died 4th Dec 1987 aged 87 yrs Loving Parents Re-united
To the memory of our dear brother (Bill) Alfred William Slare PAGE
who died 12th Feb 1974 The Lord is my Shepherd
Born Normanton 28-12-1907 died 29-7-1981 Beloved sister of Peg WOOD
and Bill PAGE
In Memory of Victor BAXTER Beloved husband of Elsie Fell asleep 29th Aug 1967 aged 70 yrs In God’s Care
Olga Mavis BROWN Dearly loved wife of the late Thomas Edward Transition made 11th April 1966
Millicent Rose BUCHANAN loved wife of the late Colin Beloved mother of Joy Died 16-12-71 aged 58 yrs
ILMO Ken (Keith) WERRY Beloved husband of Rose died 7th Nov 1973 aged 68 yrs
ILMO John Baird MITCHELL died 25th June 1974 aged 63 yrs Always Remembered RIP
ILMO George HOOKS 21-9-1904 – 21-8-1973
Mavis Edith HOOKS
10-2-1911 – 3-6-1989 Sadly Remembered by their children Tony
and Jenny Resting in Peace
ILMO Douglas Crecy Clements STANWELL Died 19th Oct 1965 aged 61 yrs At Rest
ILMO Reginald S. WOOLSTON Dearly loved husband of Grace Died 25th Oct 1972 aged 64 yrs At Rest
ILMO Cecil (Ces) BROWN Dearly loved husband of Eunice Father of Noel died 17th Oct 1964 aged 57 yrs
In Memory of Ethel MONK died 1-6-75 aged 87 yrs
ILMO Ada Mercia WILLCOCKS passed away 19th Jan 1992 aged 88 yrs
ILMO Margaret THORNBURY Died 4th April 1970 Beloved sister of Mary and Richie. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord
ILMO Kenneth Oliver GIBBONS Loved husband of Margaret 10-10-1926 – 25-11-1986 Sadly Missed
ILMO Connie WINTHROP Loved wife of Rex 12th Nov 1973
TREEN William John. Dearly loved husband of Elena and Family Died 4th Oct 1968 Thy will be done
ILMO Edwin Jackson WOOD died 25th Aug 1969 aged 76 yrs
Martha Tedford WOOD died 3rd April 1974 aged 83 yrs
Edith HARDWICK (Madame Edith BAIRD) Died 29-11-1965
16752 Sgt G. HILL, Royal Artillery, died 6 May 1951 aged 70 yrs. 1st W.W.
98451 Dvr F. W. LANG, Royal Horse Artillery, died 14 April 1952 aged 66 yrs, 1st W.W.
8/2073 Pte A. McDOWALL, Otago Regt., died 29 Sept 1954 1st W.W.
243761 Pte M. HOLDSWORTH, Cheshire Regt. died 30 April 1956 aged 77 yrs. Imp Forces
63377 Pte N. G. SAIES N.Z. Infantry died 31 Oct 1958 aged 39 yrs 2nd NZEF
81664 Pte W. J. McGUIRE, Otago Regt. died 5 Aug 1961 aged 64 yrs 1st NZEF
24/778 Rfm G. B. BRUCE Rifle Brigade & S.A. War died 19 Jan 1953 1st NZEF
24611 Gnr R. F. LANGSFORD. NZ Artillery. died 27 Jan 1962 aged 52 yrs 2nd NZEF
6011A CPO H. J. COOPE, Royal Navy 1914-18 War died 2 Nov 1959 aged 76 yrs
4358 Lieut V. B. SHOTT. 4th Bedfordshire Regt. died 4 Nov 1959 aged 72. Imperial Regt.
2685 Pet A. H. LILEY. 4th Pioneers Regt. died 7 June 1976 aged 85 yrs 1914-18 War Aust Imp.
24/1509 Cpl W. G. VERCOE, Wellington Regt. died 21 April 1960 aged 68 yrs 1st NZEF
2936 Pte R. D. OWEN NZ Infantry died 14 Aug 1976 aged 70 yrs. 2nd NZEF
21056 Pte F. E. McCARTEN. Machine Gun Corps. died 6 Sept 1960 1st NZEF
13/2223 Sgt N. A. McKENZIE, MM NZ Infantry & 2nd NZEF died 29 Dec 1965
14212 Lieut J. KEATING, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, died 31 May 1961 aged 67 yrs Imp Forces 1914-18 War
6/4200 Lieut S. C. BEASLEY, MC Canterbury Regt. died 15 Feb 1963 aged 75 yrs 1st NZEF
200849 Spr G. SWITH, Royal Canadian Forces. died 29 Nov 1981 aged 86 yrs 1914-18 War
H. L. MUNDY, Died 10 July 1962
11426 Pte C. E. CARTER, Auck. Regt. died 31 Mar 1952 aged 76 yrs 1st NZEF
62005 Rfm G. B. BRUCE. Rifle Brigade. died 27 May 1953 1st NZEF
NZ 424158 Cpl G. EARLAM, RNZAF 1939-45 War died 3 Oct 1954 aged 65 yrs
Lt Cdr C. HEBELER, RN. died 27 Feb 1959 aged 88 yrs
33613 Pte H. J. ROLTON, Wellington Regt. died 25 Feb 1956 1st NZEF
40190 Rfm D. COLLINS, Rifle Brigade died 12 Feb 1961 aged 83 yrs 1st NZEF
56397 Rfm J. H. WARBURTON, Rifle Brigade, died 14 April 1958 aged 60 yrs 1st NZEF
4/1500A Sgt E. SHEEHAN, Engineers. died 1 Aug 1959 1st NZEF
G4201 Gen Domestic M. LARKIN, W.D.N.S. Imp Forces. 1914-18 War, died 1 April 1964
12250 Cpl H. W. HAYNES, NZ Infantry died 11 Feb 1960 2nd NZEF
231078 Capt R. A. R. MONTGOMERY, RAMG, died 23 Oct 1961 aged 46 yrs, Imp. Forces 1939-45 War
70315 Pte L. F. MARTIN, Auck. Regt. died 11 March 1960 1st NZEF
57201 Sgt N. G. DeMEY, Otago Regt. 1st NZEF & 1939-45 War died 19 March 1971 aged 81 yrs
7256711 Cpl D. FLEMING, RAMC, died 7 Jan 1961 aged 65 yrs Imperial Forces 1914-18 War
574383 Spr W. C. CARROL, NZ Military Forces, died 7 Aug 1978 aged 66 yrs 1939-45 War
31611 Pte A. R. DAVIES, Auck. Regt. died 2 June 1962 1st NZEF
12429 Rfm A. M. MILLS, Rifle Brigade. died 20 July 1962 aged 67 yrs 1st NZEF
74799 Rfm L. C. RAINS, Rifle Brigade. died 25 Feb 1976 aged 77 yrs 1st NZEF
16006 Pte A. CALLEE, DCM. Cheshire Regt. died 14 July 1962 aged 81 yrs 1914-18 War
1941460 Sct N. W. DENNIS, Royal Engineers. died 13 Oct 1977 aged 64 yrs 1939-45 War
36492 L/Cpl J. K. SPENCER, NZ Medical Corps. died 1 May 1978 aged
76 2nd NZEF
71968 Pte Margaret S. SPENCER, 3 General Hospital,
died 29 Jan 1990 aged 81 yrs 2nd NZEF
30123 Pte J. W. LUCAS Imperial Forces died 3 Jan 1971 1914-18 War
69615 Rfm L. F. MORRISON, Rifle Brigade, died 18 Aug 1977 aged 80 yrs 1st NZEF
2996 L/Cpl Z. J. FOLEY, NZ Infantry died 14 March 1968 2nd NZEF
G. B. GUTHRIE, died 10 Oct 1965
NZ429535 AC2 W. A. McLARON, RNZAF 1939-45 War. died 30 March 1963 aged 46 yrs
A. V. TURNER, died 7 May 1965 aged 70 yrs
H. S. NORTHMORE, Pte Royal Fusiliers, died 2 July 1972 1914-18 War
14518 Pte A. W. HERON, NZ Infantry, died 21 June 1975 aged 88 yrs 2nd NZEF
27130 Pte P. C. WRIGHT, Manchester Regt & Loyals, died 1 Nov 1973 aged 77 yrs 1914-18 War
26/143 WOH W. E. TONG, Rifle Brigade, died 26 Aug 1973 aged 77 yrs 1st NZEF & 1939-45 War
26216 Sgt L. F. STUART, NZ Artillery, died 30 April 1973 aged 67 yrs 2nd NZEF
74186 Pte H. S. HOOKS, Auck. Regt. died 11 Dec 1965 aged 72 yrs 1st NZEF
646268 Deck Officer C. E. JACKSON, Merchant Navy. Imperial Forces 1914-18 War died 24 June 1964 aged 76 yrs
241390 Pte. A. H. ELSTON, Imperial Forces, died 28 Feb 1973 1914-18 War
J. H. LARGE, died 20 July 1963
12/3203 Pte G. H. WYATT, Auck. Regt. died 15 June 1963
10/1932 Pte S. A. MYLES, Wellington Regt. died 27 Feb 1963 aged 72 yrs
J. C. REIDY 593 2nd NZEF Gnr NZ Artillery, died 29 Dec 1977 aged 63 yrs. Roma REIDY, died 18 Dec 1982
535 L/Bdr V. L. CARMODY, 34th Anti-tank Bty. died 15 Dec 1977 aged 72 2nd NZEF
26413 Pte J. J. MONTEITH, NZ Infantry, died 2 Feb 1972 2nd NZEF
11/350 W.O.11. A. W. S. MURRAY, BEM Wellington Mtd Rifles died 6 Oct 1971 1st NZEF & 1939-45 War
2/2899 Gnr W. T. PEET, Field Artillery, 1st NZEF & 1939-45 War died 16 Jan 1969 aged 72 yrs
73722 Pte H. K. LINDSAY, NZ Infantry, died 15 Sept 1976 aged 59 yrs 2nd NZEF
27477 Far. D. BLACKWOOD, Field Artillery & 1939-45 War died 6 Feb 1964 aged 70 yrs 1st NZEF
20983 Gnr N. E. JONES, NZ Artillery, died 9 Feb 1960 aged 53 yrs 2nd NZEF
NX128010 Pte E. J. L. JOHNSTON, AIF, died 22 June 1976 1939-45 War Aust. Imp. Forces
1823 Sto 2/C J. A. MITCHELL, RNZN, died 21 June 1976 1939-45 War
209627 Wireless Op. T. MORGANS, M.N. died 17 June 1976 aged 81 yrs, 1914-18 War
J. M. HOLLAND, Lieut, RNVR died 1 June 1976, 1939-45 War
65118 Cpt F. WHITE, NZ Infantry, died 1 Oct 1976 aged 68 yrs 2nd NZEF
12/4249 Pte H. W. PITT, Auck Regt, died 26 Jan 1965 aged 78 yrs 1st NZEF
305086 Pte J. A. HARRIS, Royal NZ Infantry, died 9 Nov 1974 South East Asia War
7664 Pte C. GORMAN, DCM, Grenadier Guards & 1914-18 War died 14 Sept 1963 aged 84 yrs S.A.W.
352588 Flt Lieut. H. P. FLISHER, R.A.F. died 22 Aug 1978 aged 74 yrs, 1939-45 War
225339 Capt W. J. B. BAIRD, R.E.M.E. died 16 June 1980 aged 77 yrs 1939-45 War
30844 L/Cpl S. P. PEGLER, MM, Auck Regt. died 31 July 1978 aged 83 yrs 1st NZEF
1762 L/Bdr D. E. B. PENNY, NZ Artillery, died 17 Aug 1973 2nd NZEF
J97241 P.O.Tel. H. G. COOLEY, RNZN, 1939-45 War died 3 Jan 1972 aged 67 yrs
35034 Pte J. J. McVICKER, Otago Regt. 1st NZEF & 1939-45 War. died 25 Nov 1965 aged 70 yrs
25846 Rfm H. V. GIBBS, Rifle Brigade, died 14 July 1970 1st NZEF
18844 Pte A. O’NEILL, Auck Regt, died 20 July 1972 1st NZEF
R48191 J. J. NICHOLS, R.A.F. died 17 June 1980 aged 46 yrs
819597 L/Cpl J. H. HICHOLLS, NZ Engineers, died 4 Aug 1979 2nd NZEF
19432 Cpl O. P. FOLEY, NZ Infantry died 22 June 1980 aged 63 yrs 2nd NZEF
19467 Spr A. MILLS, Aust. Engineers, 1914-18 War died 28 July 1967 aged 83 yrs
10/3375 Cpl C. B. REVELL, Army Postal Corps, died 29 June 1975 aged 82 yrs 1st NZEF
50379 Pte G. BURROWS, Gloucestershire Regt. Imp Forces 1914-18 War died 12 Aug 1964
14403694 S.Sgt. H. J. TILLY, Corps of Royal Military Police died 16 Nov 1980 aged 79 1939-45 War
3647 I. R. DAY, 2nd NZEF Dvr NZ Army Service Corps died 27 Nov 1983 aged 80 yrs
61749 Gnr H. GREEN, NZ Artillery, died 2 Oct 1981 aged 79 yrs 2nd NZEF
80002 R. J. REEVES, 1939-45 TPR NZ Armoured Corps died 11 Jan 1984 aged 64 yrs
4580 Sct H. W. BROWN, NZ Corps of Signals, died 13 Dec 1981 aged 66 yrs 2nd NZEF
433115 F. O. STARK, 1939-45 Dvr NZ Army Service Corps died 17 Nov 1984 aged 63 yrs
R240952 M. J. WARD 1939-45 C.P.O. M.N. died 22 Dec 1982 aged 70 yrs
23119610 Cpl J. MacDONALD, Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders died 14 Dec 1981 aged 51 yrs Korea War
M15588 F. CLISSOLD, 1914-18 AB RN died 4 Oct 1984 aged 87 yrs
4516 Capt T. C. WARD, NZASC, died 18 Jan 1982 aged 76 yrs 2nd NZEF
403163 K. S. MANGIN, 1939-45 LAC, RNZAF, died 12 Nov 1983 aged 74 yrs
38702 Pte A. HOOKS, Wellington Regt. died 3 Dec 1981 aged 86 1st NZEF
Plaque missing
31702 W.O.1. E. F. HOLLAND, M.M. NZ Armoured Corps died 21 July 1982 aged 73 yrs 1939-45 War
24126 H. A. LEWIS, 2nd NZEF Pte NZ Infantry, died 26 Dec 1984 age 75 yrs
6743 O.A. F. J. STEVENS, RNZN, died 4 June 1983 1939-45 War
14953188 W. G. JERVIS 1939-45 Sgt RAOC died 21 May 1984 aged 73 yrs
102383 CPO E. HILLMAN, RN, died 7 April 1983 aged 67 yrs 1939-45 War
581217 R. R. CARTER, 2nd NZEF Dvr NZ Army Service Corps died 7 March 1984 aged 80 yrs
1791432 J. H. BOWEN, 1939-45 Pte the Blackwatch, died 23 Oct 1983 aged 61 yrs
5306 J. D. KITTO, 1939-45 AB RNZN died 24 Oct 1983 aged 65 yrs
1629181 H. SUTTON, 1939-45 L.A.C. died 20 Oct 1983 aged 78 yrs
C. S. LACE 427001 1939-45 W.O. RNZAF died 1 Oct 1987 aged 76 yrs
A. EDWARDS 565126 2nd NZEF Pte NZ Infantry, died 8 Feb 1987 aged 76 yrs
M. A. ALLISON 617651 2nd NZEF Pte NZ Infantry died 8 Feb 1986 aged 64 yrs
J. P. BEAR 36160 2nd NZEF Pte NZAC died 18 Aug 1986 aged 76 yrs
H. R. APATARI 25805 2nd NZEF Bdr NZ Artillery died 11 July 1986 aged 73 yrs
N. B. BARBER R746283 A.B. MN died 26 June 1986
N. McD. COLLINS 439134 1939-45 LAC RNZAF died 13 May 1986 aged 61 yrs
E. GRIMSHAW 863868 1939-45 Dvr Royal Artillery died 14 March 1986 aged 67 yrs
A. J. LEPPER 403377 1939-45 LAC RNZAF died 19 Nov 1985 aged 73 yrs
B. MAYALL 12/2784 1st NZEF Pte Auck Regt, died 17 July 1985 aged 92 yrs
J. J. RIST A1903 1939-45 Ldg Sea. RNZN died 3 Aug 1989 aged 69 yrs
F. E. ARSCOTT 414205 1939-45 Flt Lieut. RNZAF died 7 Oct 1988 aged 68 yrs
P. FITZGERALD 45780 2nd NZEF & J Force Pte NZ Machine Gun Bttn. died 21 Aug 1988
J. BARNARD 11/594 1914-18 Tpr Queen Alexandras Mtd Rifles died 13 July 1988
J. B. BURNS 436076 2nd NZEF Pte NZ Infantry died 4 July 1988 aged 75 yrs
W. G. JOHNSTON 1939-45 Sgt/Gnr MN died 11 June 1988 aged 75 yrs
B. C. DOWNEY 46559 2nd NZEF Cpl NZASC died 12 March 1988
A. J. KERR D/JX 176623 1939-45 AB RN died 10 Feb 1986 aged 67 yrs
J. HUBBARD 374987 2nd NZEF Gnr NZ Artillery died 28 Aug 1985 aged 63 yrs
John Joseph RIST (Undertaker’s cross only)
Fredrick Edward ARSCOTT (Undertaker’s cross only)
Patrick FITZGERALD (Undertaker’s cross only)
Helen P. K. BRETT RRC P206051 1939-45 Colonel Queen Alexandras Imperial Military Nursing Service died 11 Aug 1989 aged 79 yrs
A. D. GREER 39915 1939-45 Squadn Ldr 40 Squadn died 1 Sept 1989 aged 76 yrs
Alan Abercrombie THOMAS (Undertaker’s cross only)
William Robin LAPSLEY (Undertaker’s cross only)
Norman Alexander DANDO (Undertaker’s cross only)
H. V. HOWLEY 535903 1939-45 Sgt RAF died 7 Oct 199 [sic] aged 73 yrs
E. A. G. MEALING R288491 1939-45 A/Stwd MN died 7 July 1990 aged 63 yrs
Clark Joseph BLAKELOCK (Undertaker’s cross only)
Garnet Robertson BLAMPIED (Undertaker’s cross only)
Pte W. R. McLEOD, NZ Infantry died 20-12-1971 aged 64
F. FRY 10/2143 1st NZEF Pte Wellington Regt died 9-3-1971 aged 74 & Rosanna M FRY died 25-6-1989
44682 L/Sgt J. S. BRUNTON, M M Rifle Brigade died 10-1-1972 aged 78
2833 Lieut R. M. FAIRNIE, RN died 3-11-1976 1914-18 War
76565 L/Cpl R. W. FORD, NZ Infantry died 17-2-1979 aged 61 2nd NZEF
14501 WO1 H. F. W. DAY, NZ Armoured Corps died 21-11-1979 aged 82 1914-18 & 1939-45 Wars
4957 Sgt J. H. McPHAIL, NZ Infantry died 21-3-1980 aged 63 2nd NZEF
19133 Major A. H. MILLER, NZ Infantry died 19-7-1980 aged 90 1914-18 War and 2nd NZEF
25459 Dvr. J. W. McINTOSH QSM NZ Army Service Corps died 21-11-1980 aged 62 2nd NZEF
18949 Pte J. J. HELLENS Royal Northumberland Fusilier died 21-11-1980 aged 89 1914-18 War (Coat of Arms)
3/1727 Pte R. St.G. WICKSTEAD Medical Corps died 8-6-1981 aged 85 1st NZEF
63385 Sgt J. B. MACKAY Auckland Regt died 30-6-1981 aged 84 1st NZEF & 2nd NZEF
970024 J. C. FRAYLING MN died 6-8-1981 aged 82 1914-18 War (MN Insignia)
Lieut J. C. MOSFORD RN died 24-7-1981 aged 78 1939-45 War (Anchor)
229798 Major G. A. SOMMERFIELD O.B.E. died 22-4-1982 aged 63 Glasgow Highlanders 1939-45 War
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