Minutes of Waiheke Choral Society Committee meeting 8:30pm Tuesday 11th June 2024, held at Whitakers (after practice).


Present: Sylvia, Joan, Sandra, Anne, Gavin                                                                                                       

Apologies: Mark.


Minutes of last meeting held Monday 27 May 2024 taken as read and true record.


Matters Arising:

1.      Signatories to the society bank accounts:  Progress in getting another signatory not discussed, so carry over to next meeting when Mark is back.

2.      2024 Concerts: see General Business below.


General Business:

1.      2024 Mid-year Potpourri Concerts:

a.      Posters:   Now available to be picked up

b.      Program:  Anne has program worked out but can’t finalise it until we know if Ariane is going to participate as guest singer or not.  Joan hasn’t had chance to ask Ariane yet.  The “Old Spice Boys” are confirmed as guest singers.

c.       St Peters (Sunday 7th July 2pm):

                                                  i.      Sylvia still to check if the St Peters electric piano has been fixed (several keys went faulty during last year’s Christmas concert).

                                                 ii.      Sylvia to check that security system at St Peters will be off before we arrive.

2.      Christmas Concert:

a.      Couple of the bases will be away after 3rd Dec – 18th Dec, so need to have Christmas concert before then.  Sylvia to check and book St Peters for afternoon of Sunday 1st Dec24.

3.      Brain Research:  Our choir has been accepted to participate in study, 8th Oct.   Anne is contact.

4.      Next Meeting:  Not set.


Meeting closed at 8:40pm.