Minutes of Waiheke Choral Society Committee meeting 7pm Monday 8th April 2024, held at Anne Willmann’s home.


Present: Sylvia, Joan, Sandra, Anne, Gavin (quorum = 4)

Apologies: Mark


Minutes of last meeting held Tuesday 5th December 2023 taken as read and true record.


Matters Arising:

1.      Richard’s music:   Still at Maya&Andy’s place.   Sylvia to get list of music off Maya, and circulate to choir members to see if anyone wants any of it (most are books rather than sheets).  Sandra to get some copies of 50th History of WCS, and see if anyone wants copy and where a copy can be kept.

2.      Back risers at future concerts (ie, Rocky Bay and St Peters):  Anne will ask Willi re individual rises for bases to stand on, using 100x100 wooden blocks.   Joan will ask Rocky Bay if they have any rises.


Financial Report:  None as Mark absent.


General Business - Following items discussed to bring Sylvia up to date given she is new to the committee:

1.      Resignations and appointments:   Mark to update WCS website with changes made at AGM.

2.      Ex-officio and Life members:  Are there (still) any? – Mark to check.

3.      Patron: We don’t have one and feeling was we don’t need one.

4.      Signatories to the society bank accounts:  Currently Mark and Susan? - check with Mark,

5.      Charities Commission updates:  See Mark

6.      Frequency of committee meetings:  As required rather than at regular intervals.

7.      2024 Concerts:

a.      Mid-year Potpouri Concerts:  Joan will make a draft poster and program.  Maya has arranged venues/times, Anne the music.  Agreed ticket prices at both to be $20/$15 concession.

                                                  i.      Rocky Bay Hall Saturday 6th July 7pm:     Agreed to see if Rocky Bay Hall want to promote it as a fund-raiser, so they look after promotion, tickets, supper.   Sylvia to contact Dave Maland.

                                                 ii.      St Peters Sunday 7th July 2pm.  Agree will be WCS fund raiser.

b.      Christmas Concert:  Organise later.

8.      Future plans, 2nd half of 2024, 2025 and beyond:  3 options:

a.      Anne would be happy to step aside for 6 months and let someone else run the 2024 Christmas concert.

b.      Couple of people (Mark/Sandra) run practices for months Anne is away.

c.       NZ Choral Society Federation relieving conductors.


Sandra would be happy to help lead choir 2nd half of 2024 if music could be sorted by end of June.    Backup required for next year so that Anne can have flexibility.   Sylvia to enquire with NZ Choral Society re trainee conductors for assignments.


Noted that Anne will be away for 2 months from 13th Aug to early Oct, and Sylvia will be away 17th Sep to 31st Oct.


Noted that the WCS piano is currently residing at Norma’s place.


9.      Relationship with Whittakers:  practice venue only, not performance venue.

10.  Relationship with Artworks Theatre:  Expensive venue to use/hire so don’t now use it.  


Meeting closed at 8:10pm.


Post-meeting notes to note for next meeting:

Have the keys on St Peters electric piano been fixed?

Has Mark returned the P.O Box keys to NZ Post?