Thank you to Anne and Willi for their hospitality in hosting the meeting.

Meeting started at 8.10 pm

Present: Anne Willmann (MD)

Saskia Herren (President)

Mark James (Tresurer)

Nicolas Herren

Maya Spence

Andy Spence (Honorary member)

Willi Willmann (Honorary member)

Apologies: Susan Triggs (Secretary) Gavin Smart

Matters arising:

Review of concert

Congratulation on a great concert “It’s Glorious”

Agreed that advertising was too late. Posters and tickets need to be ready three weeks prior.

Choir members to sell tickets for concerts beforehand

Key for Whittakers has been recut and reimbursement for Bill Kinghorn was agreed. Anne Kinghorn to be thanked for her troubles and thanks passed onto her son for replacing the lock free of charge.

Morra Hall Invoice needs to be paid. Dee to find out who has received the invoice to be reimbursed

Affirmed Mark for a great write up in the Gulf News

Mark will find out the costs for the Morra hall and reimburse Richard for soloists or find out payment

Sponsorship and program should be included in concerts

One practice with the concert pianist is needed

Next Concert - Anne Willmann - Musical Director

Concert on 13/14 November Rocky Bay and alternative Venue

Investigate Catholic Church for a venue as the Piano may now be acceptable

Program for Mass Infatuation

Schubert German Mass - simple pieces for the people - about 15 minutes

Brahms Waltzes for four parts and a piano duet with two pianists - Janneka with Caroline

Les Miserable selection of songs in three parts

Orpheus in the Underworld modified to “Orpheus on Te Ara Hura Trail”

Baroque version of “I want to know” by the Beatles

Over the Garden Wall

Bardcore from Saskia to talk to Anne

Andy to make an introduction to the Catholic Church

Invite the Catholic Priest to sing with us.

Andy to make an introduction to the Catholic Church

Invite the Catholic Priest to sing with us.

Dates: 13 Rocky Bay Evening BYO/14 November Catholic Church 2021

Meeting finished at 9.10 pm