Minutes 31/1/17

Present: Maya, Anne, Phillip, Mailis, Nassai, Richard, Susan, Kayla, Dee

Apologies: Mark


Date: 28th of February.

Mark to put in a publication

Friday 3rd of March at 6pm at Anne’s house, we will hold a social for the committee to celebrate the hard work done.

Carmina Burana

The dates are the 7th, the 8th, and the 9th of April.

We have booked Iain, Robert and Rachel. We will email sopranos and tenor

Dee to contact Dmitri

May concert

There has been a request from Pakaranga Choral Society, they would like to perform a conjoint concert on May 20th and 21st, one here, and one in town.

David Hamilton is their conductor.

The concert would likely take place at MORRA hall.

We would sing the first part of the Carmina, Psalm 23, a piece by David Hamilton, and a Mendelsohn motet.

Future concerts

Anne suggests themes brackets of music, rather than limiting ourselves to only masses. Some softer music, and more recent music as a change

Maya thinks that we should put on the Messiah again, Phillip suggests “The Messiah’s Greatest Hits” to put a spin on it

Possibility of concerts with Sister Shout and V12
Dee to send an email to both choirs

Linda Savage has expressed interest in a joint musical in 2018 of some sort


Great Christmas party (in absence of Phillip ;))