Choral Society Committee Meeting

Present: Nick, Andy, Majlies, Lynn, Sue, Saskia, Maya, Nassai, Richard, Mark, Kirsten

Excused: Dee, Philip

Dates: March 29th: Concert with Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra at Town Hall. Program includes music by David Hamilton, John Wells and Vangellis.

February 4th: Start of rehearsals. 7pm at Whittakers.

March 4th: AGM. Mark will put notice in Gulf News.

Plans: Decisions about what to do after APO concert are to be made by incoming committee.

Ideas: Chicago, Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Reg Tower’s play about first world war (Andy will ask him).

Cooperation with Paul Harrop: Richard will ask him, if he still wants to do something with us in February.

Finances: Mark presents financial summary. Sue moves a vote to accept this, Saskia seconds. Everybody in favour.

Andy moves a vote of confidence for our treasurer Mark. Seconded by Maya. All in favour.

An overall profit of 2163,- on the year was made.

Richard needs to be reimbursed, at least for his expenses, i.e. ferry tickets and copying.

Audiences: To improve audience numbers, especially for concerts and first few shows, it was suggested and agreed, that we should print tickets and give a few to each choir/cast member to sell beforehand.

Treasurer’s Report for fourth quarter 2013

06-Oct Subs
thru Vivaldi ticket sales
31-Dec Vivaldi programme ads

Koha tin and other donations

Cinderella ticket sales

Cinderella programme ads

Cinderella bar/café sales


Date Outwards Cheque Amount
14-Oct Red Cross Hall 642 $40.00
15-Oct D Austring (float, repaid 21st) 643 $100.00
19-Oct M Spence (wine for soloists) 644 $99.98
29-Oct Donation to St Peters Church 645 $400.00
29-Oct Gulf News (Vivaldi ad) 646 $194.35
29-Oct R Melville (Vivaldi honoraria) 647 $1,100.00
10-Nov Gulf News 648 $12.70
12-Nov M James (paper punch) 649 $39.40
19-Nov Pukeko Graphics 650 $184.00
26-Nov Artworks Theatre 651 $270.00
26-Nov M Le Minor (Marketplace ad) 652 $103.50
28-Nov C Beardon (set construction) 653 $396.28
28-Nov S Triggs (panto & Xmas tree) 654 $344.46
06-Dec M Spence (props, makeup, costumes) 655 $1,787.20
08-Dec Nic Herren 656 $23.16
08-Dec Revolution Organic Food 657 $50.00
08-Dec P Symonds (fish & chips) 658 $110.00
12-Dec S Triggs (Warehouse, Countdown) 659 $375.36
15-Dec Gulf News 660 $388.70
15-Dec Dale, Artworks Café 661 $147.75

15-Dec Copy Expresso 663 $476.00
17-Dec Whittaker’s Musical Museum 664 $299.00
17-Dec J Oliver (lollies) 665 $48.00
31-Dec Artworks Theatre 666 $1,795.00
31-Dec MORRA Inc 667 $126.00
31-Dec D Austring (panto certificates) 668 $10.00
31-Dec Refund to Oneroa Dental 669 $450.00
31-Dec S Triggs (carols concert refreshments) 670 $84.91
31-Dec M James (Onetangi hall hire) 671 $225.00
31-Dec M Spence (costumes etc) 672 $207.55


Payables: (None)

Receivables: June party hall hire deposit refund

Balances: Cheque account

Reserve fund