Minutes of meeting held Sunday 18th Sept 2011 at The Spence’s

The meeting commenced at 3.45pm

Present: Andy, Maya, Richard, Seth, Lyn, Dee, Mark and Marion

Apologies: Susan. Janet.

Correspondence: No correspondence.

Minutes: There were no matters arising from the last minutes

General Discussion:

At one time, the choir was made up of people happy to sing whatever was given to them. Now, we have people who pick what they want to sing, and do not come if the music is not to their liking, or not in their comfort zone..

As we need the whole choir to be behind the choice, it was agreed that the Benjamin Britten piece planned for Christmas be put on hold. Perhaps we can involve the schools next year to provide the children needed for the St. Nicholas, making it a combined venture.

Christmas Concert: Sunday 11th Dec

It has been decided to postpone the mid year concert and to include the Bach, Vivaldi and Schubert with the Christmas Concert.

Richard felt that these pieces together with more of the Schubert, Bach’s “Christmas Oratorio” and some carols would probably make a satisfactory concert. The committee were delighted to hear that Mary is available to sing the soprano solos, which comprise the majority of the solo work

Richard to contact Tavis Gravett, Ian Tetley and Harriet for the other solo parts

Reg to be approached for piano accompaniment.

Andy to talk with Chris Orange, to advise Richard if the orchestra would be available.

David and Gillian…violin

Chris ,base

Sarah flute.

The orchestra would need the music 6 weeks before, and join the choir for rehearsals 4 weeks before the performance.

Marion to contact St Peters to check that we can use the church for 2 performances.

Entry to again be by programme $15 per person

Janet to be asked to prepare the programme.

Marion at 372 1000 for prior booking.

Dee to write and place an advert to invite new voices to join us.

Richard to advise Dee of the music to be included.

Dee will look for sponsorship for the programme.


Discussion following the lack of profit from this production included

1. the need for cheaper rehearsal space

2 .the limited seating in the theatre, which curtails the amount of profit for each performance

3. the need to choose a show that does not have expensive rights.

Mark (thank you Mark, this is so clear) presented a comparison of recent shows 2007-2011 which showed that the main differences in profit occurred due to

1. cost of rental for rehearsals

2. grants applied for.

3. number of performances

4. travel cost for Ian


1. Appoint committee member to apply for grants.

2. Future sale of tickets….prebooked $20

Sale at the door $25

3. Look at grants available from “New Hope store”


Early organisation this year was valuable, with the team effort involved right from the beginning.

Positive strength of the new cast members.

Richard noted how very proud he was of this show, and how the Society has grown and matured over 18years


Mainly financial.

Half year membership of Choral Society of $15 should be charged to cast members.

Andy mentioned that the Russian hats and caps had not been found despite all the suitcases and bags being thoroughly searched prior to return.

These will have to be paid for.

Suggest letter to the Gulf News requesting donation of caps to help the Choral Society.


Profit from Fiddler. $1,338.41

Full list of payments since the last time the committee approved them on 17 July:

20 July:  Colin Beardon, set materials $168.62
20 July:  Gulf News, Fiddler ad $182.85
24 July:  MORRA Hall, rehearsal $87.00
25 July:  Artworks, rehearsals and performances in July, $1380.00
25 July:  Charities Commission filing fee, $51.11
30 July:  Phil Ziegler, smoke machine $99.00
30 July:  Time Out Café, pizzas for cast $90.00
04 Aug:  Gulf News, Fiddler ad $182.85
04 Aug:  Fairfax Media (Marketplace), Fiddler ad $103.50
04 Aug:  Bernard Rhodes, food for cast $43.60
06 Aug:  Time Out Café, pizzas for cast $51.00
13 Aug:  Bernard Rhodes, food for cast $81.18
14 Aug:  Lazy Lounge, food for packout $162.00
14 Aug:  Gulf News, Fiddler ad $182.85
14 Aug:  Fairfax Media (Marketplace), Fiddler ad $103.50
14 Aug:  Janet Mayes, props $34.00
16 Aug:  Iain Tetley, travel since April $603.30
16 Aug:  Artworks, August performances $1314.50
23 Aug:  Whittakers, choir rehearsals $184.00
02 Sept:  Copy Expresso, Fiddler programmes $294.40
02 Sept:  Maya Spence, makeup/props/costumes $866.82
18 Sept:  Richard Melville, van hire for props $144.63

Richard/ Dee

Meeting closed at 5.30pm

Next meeting : Sunday 16th October at The Spences.

To discuss next show.

Invite anyone involved in Fiddler to come along and contribute ideas.

Thanks to Andy and Maya for their hospitality

Thanks to Lyn who took over taking these minutes.