Waiheke Choral Society Inc.

Minutes of Committee Meeting held at Whittakers’ Musical Museum,

Tuesday 23 June 2009.


Meeting opened at 7.10pm

Present:Richard, Mark, Jeanne, Seth, Maya, Andy, Dee, Janet and Marion

Apologies:  Philip and Judy.


Messiah: First rehearsal to be Tuesday 21 July

Advertisement inviting interested voices to join us, to be placed in Gulf News and Market Place

Dee to place two ads.

First to be large, on 9th July.

Second more a reminder in the “What’s on”, on 16 July.


Get together to celebrate” Peter Pan” success. Friday 10th July at Art works theatre

This to take the form of a “Potluck supper”, after a showing of the DVD of the show, for those who were busy involved behind the scenes.

All cast and crew to be invited.

Matthias to be requested to set up the screen.

Dee to arrange the Bar.


Report: Following the grant made by “Creative NZ” for “Peter Pan” a report is to be sent to them, by 2 months after the close of the show. Mark will do this.


Updates and records: The photos on the gallery wall in the theatre need to be updated.

Andy to price new 10x8 photos with Gulf Photography.

Suggested that the existing pictures need captions, to help keep them in order.


Videos and DVD’s of previous shows need to be safely archived. Mark offered to undertake this.


Performance “Six degrees of separation” to be at 5.00pm on Sunday 19th July at St.Peter’s Church.


Leave of absence granted to Maya and Andy for the last 3 weeks of August.


Next Meeting: 6.30pm, Tuesday 7th July at Whittakers.


Meeting closed at 7.30pm