Meeting opened at 4.05pm


Apologies were received from Ann Jocelyn.


Minutes were taken as read.


Matters arising from the minutes were all arising from the show and were discussed more full under General Business M. Janet S .Richard that the minutes and matters arising be accepted. P.U.


Invoice received from PhotoExpress for photocopying ,and Bank Statement. M Andy, S Judy. P.U.


Bank statement. Main Account $10310.90. and Accelerator Account$9355.

Invoice for photocopying $177.00.Whittakers $10.00 per night .M.. Marion S. Judy that the bills be passed for payment. PU.


Acapella report. The acapella group recently sang At Vigil Mass at St Peters Church and sang extremely well and was enjoyed by all. It was suggested that it be repeated at a later date, hopefully at Whittakers.

SHOW MATTERS. Jobs arising and ongoing from the last meeting .We still need someone to take care of the props. After a general discussion it was decided that we would have a workshop with the children to make fantasy props. Baton and a lions head to be made. Also a soda syphon is needed. Richard has emailed various societies re costumes. BACKDROP Mathew Muir to go ahead, help available if needed . MAKE UP. Jayne has agreed to do this. COSTUMES. Maya has agreed to take measurements for Andy, Alex, Peter, Jules, Mark ,Philip ,and Jan Scott. A short discussion on costumes apart from the hired ones. Skirts and blouses etc. Silver buttons and buckles can be made from ice cream cartons. LIGHTING, Howard to be invited to a rehearsal, Andy to contact. ADVERTISING. Colin Beardon has agreed to be in charge of this and has done a very clever flyer/programme cover of a cats tail rising from a boot. Janet to phone Colin re. sponsorship ;REHEARSAL CHANGE. Rehearsal for Sunday June 1st. will be at MORRA mall due to Artworks being pre. booked. Must emphasise to every one to the importance of turning up to rehearsal.

CLASH OF SCHOOL AND CHORAL SOCIETY SHOWS. Philip had a chat with the school and hopefully there will be no more date clashes.

END OF YEAR CONCERT Last weekend in November and we will be doing Part 1 of The Messiah.

Meeting closed at 5.05pm and the next meeting will be held at MORRA hall at 4.00pm