Waiheke Choral Society

Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 15 April 2008 at Palm Beach Hall.


Present: Richard, Philip, Jeanne, Andy, Maya, Marion, Dee, Ann


Apologies: Janet, Judy, Mark (On leave)


Minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed. Marion/Richard


Matters Arising. Dates of show changed. Now Rocky Bay 26 June, Artworks, 27, 28 June, 4,5,6,18,19 July

 Artworks and Rocky Bay Hall have been booked.


Jobs allocated

Music and Orchestra: Richard


Choreography: Judy and Maya

Ticket Sales: Marion

Fron of House: Jeanne

Stage Manager: Jenny

Information/Liaison: Dee


Jobs to be allocated

Props: Ask Cast

Lighting: Richard to ask Howard

Makeup ? to ask Ingrid

Publicity and Tickets: Ann to ask Colin

Light Set Up: Richard to ask George

Set Builder: Philip to ask Peter Armstrong

Set Design: Richard to ask Mike Morgan

Costumes: Cast to get their own. Co-ordinator needed.


Interim Treasurer’s Report

Charities Commission Application in Progress. Awaiting IRD Number.

Palm Beach Hall Hire. Invoices received. Some Paid Marion to get updated balance owed.

Children in show to be asked to pay $10 Sub to Society

Cheque for $126.00 has been sent to Waiheke Coastguard.


General Business

A Cappella Choir singing Mass at St Peter’s Catholic Church on Saturday 10 May at 5.00pm


Next Meeting will be on Sunday 4 May at 4.00 pm after rehearsal in Palm Beach Hall.

Meeting closed at 9.15pm