Waiheke Choral Society Inc.


Minutes of committee meeting held at 21 Albert Crescent, Ostend on Monday 4 February 2008

The meeting commenced at 6.30pm.

Present: Jack, Jeanne, Richard, Andy, Maya, Marie, Barbara, Phillip, Ann, Mark (from 7.15)

Apologies: Dee Austring    . Apology accepted. Marie/Andy Carried

Minutes of the previous meeting held on 19 November 2007 were read and accepted as an accurate record. Richard/Marie. Carried.

Matters Arising.

Sale of costumes

Andy reported that all theatre and costume hire companies in New Zealand and some outside NZ have been given advance notice of the costumes being auctioned on Trade Me. Plan to list for auction by end of February. All information about them is posted on the Waiheke Choral Society website.

The DVD of the King and I is available from Steven Tysoe.




Palm Beach Hall Committee re Hall Hire charges and invoicing system.

Jeanne Mellamphy – Thank you card

Jack & Marie Watson – Formal resignations

George & Judy Hudson – Thanks for DVD


Phillip Symonds and Dee Austring re being co-opted onto the committee

Colin Beardon – Thanks for promotion of King and I

George & Judy Hudson – Copy of DVD

That Inwards Correspondence be received and Outwards approved.  Jack/Andy.  Carried


That Jack & Marie Watson’s resignations be accepted with regret and with best wishes for their future

on the “mainland”  Ann/Jeanne Carried.


General Business


That the Annual General Meeting of the Waiheke Choral Society Inc. be held in Palm Beach Hall on Tuesday 11 March, commencing at 7.30pm and that a Public Notice be placed in Gulf News at least two

weeks prior to the meeting.   Andy/Phillip  Carried

Ann  agreed to place the notice in Gulf News and notify members of the Society in the Newsletter.

Jack agreed to attend the meeting and present a President’s Report for the past year.



·         AGM – Encouragement for new members to consider being on committee.

·         A Capella  resuming practices on Tuesdays  6.10 – 7.15pm in Palm Beach Hall

·         Jack & Marie’s resignation

·         Society’s Program for the coming year.



Barbara reported that she had been contacted by a member of the community offering to donate cottons, trims and braids to the choral society for future shows.  Offer to be gratefully accepted.


Plans for 2008

Richard announced his plans for 2008. It is to be a “relaxed year” with a Cabaret style concert in late April/early May, a Mid-Winter, candlelight concert in July/August and a Christmas Concert  which will include the first section of Handel’s  Messiah.


Financial Report

1.Mark reported there had been no transactions since December. All performance rights and other accounts relating to The King and I have now been paid leaving a profit from the show of $7748.00.

2. The annual accounts have been prepared and sent to the auditor.

(Jack has received notice that they have been audited and he will collect them this week.)

3.Director’s expenses.

That we pay Richard $700.00 honorarium to cover travel for the past year.   Phillip/Andy    Carried unanimously.

The meeting closed at 7.30pm and was followed by a shared meal.