Present. Richard, Philip, Mark, Jan, Pat ,Jeanne

Apologies. Jack and Marie Watson.

Minutes. The minutes were read and confirmed. P. Pat Atkin. S. Jan Mc Cartain.

Matters Arising. The posters are organised, the church has been booked for the Carols. Publicity, Mark James has it under control and the ads are in place. Mark James will liase with the Omiha people for a performance of Last Tango in Little Oneroa. P.Pat S. Mark.

Correspondence. In. Letter received from Jack and Marie Watson withdrawing from the show because of home commitments, but definitelywill still be able to perform committee duties.

Out. Nil.

Finance Out. One hundred dollars was paid for the show banner. Ten dollars to Marie reimbursement for supper from the Koha tin.

Balance in bank 2618.00.

General Business. Discussion on the show followed Props needed, table and chairs ,tablecloths .from Onetangi ,backdrop and mirror ball at Artworks. Rod Glendenning will do the lighting ,and Bill Howling would like to play the clarinet. A costume call will be called very shortly at 7pm. and extra rehearsals are to be scheduled for Artworks. Artworks have offered us rehearsal time at fifteen dollars per rehearsal. Sheryl has agreed to choreograph the moves for the chorus numbers .Philip and Mark are in charge of the tickets. Price will be fifteen dollars for adults and ten dollars for senior citizens.

Over 40’s. A group of members will perform songs from the show at there monthly meeting on Oct. 26th at the Ostend Memorial hall. It will be a good opportunity to promote the show.

Carols. St. Peters has been booked for Dec.4th. for a carol concert. Acappella have a good programme and will probably make up the main programme. Catherine Peterson has indicated that she would like to play an d Richard will follow this up.

There being no more business to discuss the meeting closed at 7pm.

Next meeting will be Oct 31st. at Pats’ home in Wharf Rd.