AGM Minutes 22/3/2016
Richard Melville, Maya Spence, Andy Spence, Anne Willmann, Willy Willmann, Susan Triggs,
Lynn Kemeys, Phillip Symonds, Mark James,
Nassai Herren, Nicolas Herren, Mailis Herren, Jan Mellamphy, Irene Hodgson, Eileen Boghurst,
Flynn Washington, Christine Beardon,
Tony Johnson, Denny Reid, Gillian Reeve, Mary Batten, Kayla Mackenzie-Kopp, Dee Austring
Carol Handin, Ann Jocelyn, Mig Wright, Robin Tucker,
Kara Nelson, Hiromi Stewart, Jane Griffith
Last year's AGM minutes were accepted unanimously
President + Musical Director's Report
celebrated our 40th anniversary.
He suggested we make a gift for
Kara, our longest standing member.
He reflected upon 2015 and
everything we achieved
Richard reiterated that we should make some
small changes to fall back onto the radar
He thanked Mary, Ann,
the committee, the choir, and our audience, for all the support
Gillian moved to accept the speech - approved
was a loss of around $10,000 in 2015. This was due mainly to advance expenses for
the Sound of Music, which should be recovered in 2016. Mark emphasized that Sound of Music
must be a success in order to regain this loss
The income of our
subscriptions has dropped, Mark stated that we need more members
informed us that we no longer require an accountant to do our books,
nor an audit
Mark was awarded a vote of thanks from acclamation
Maya suggested that the non-member actors in our plays should pay a participation fee, of half the normal membership fee, i.e. $15 adults and $5 students. The membership fees are still the same price of $30 for an adult, $20 for students and $50 a family, which is moved by Dee - approved
General Business
The proposed amendments to the constitution were shown around, and explained by Mark, Mark moved for the changes to be approved, seconded by Dee - approved
thanked Richard for his hard work
Dee was thanked by the
Mark moved to keep Rocky A Rhodes as our auditor - approved
nominated by Dee, seconded by Eileen - Approved
Musical Director:
nominated by Dee, seconded by Eileen - Approved
Assistant musical
director: Anne,
nominated by Dee, seconded by Eileen - Approved
Treasurer: Mark,
nominated by Dee, seconded by Eileen - Approved
Assistant Treasurer:
Nassai, nominated
by Maya, seconded by Jan - Approved
Communications manager: Dee,
nominated by Christine, seconded
by Susan - Approved
Publicity Manager: Robin,
nominated by Phillip, seconded
by Andy - Approved
Committee: Susan, Mailis, Maya, Phillip, Kayla - moved Mary, seconded Eileen approved