Our Weird Neighbors

(... or Neighbours, if you are one of them)

Ned is a plumber who has found a rather poetic use for broken toilets.

Tom and Christiane run a retirement home for cats.

(Tom is also the inventor of those insane “World’s Toughest Golf Holes” calendars. Check them out here.)

Can you tell Richard was in the navy?

Richard also has a ship’s cannon in his back yard, which he fires every New Years Eve at midnight. No one sleeps through the celebration around here...

Bob and Madeleine are train fanatics, and have built their house in the style of an early twentieth century rural New Zealand train station.

How did they get the thing up that steep hill?

By using the second largest crane in the country.

Next installment: Coming Soon...

Back to the main “Our House” page.


Please send any comments to Mark James at tmarkjames@yahoo.com.

This page was last updated on 19 October 2003.